Interview - April 2003
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EMAIL INTERVIEW Cam Rogers & Ken Sinclair

Cam Rogers, Manager
Sales Channel & Business Development
RLE Technologies

Cam Rogers is currently the Sales Channel and Business Development Manager at RLE Technologies. Cam has extensive experience in marketing and selling various types of facilities technology, including leak detection as well as communications and site monitoring solutions.

Water Leak Detection

Sinclair:  How prevalent is water-induced damage?

Rogers:  Water is more of a problem than most people think. Water ranks as the second leading cause of business outages, accounting for 27% of the causes.

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Sinclair:  What is the compelling benefit for water leak detection?

Rogers:  Water leak detection technology provides insurance against water damage. Most companies invest in multi-million dollar machinery, which stores mission-critical information. Companies used to react to water damage but are starting to be proactive because of the availability of various cost effective water leak detection solutions. Previously, there was no adequate technology to cost-effectively, reliably, and comprehensively protect against water damage. Recently however, new technologies such as intelligent cable sensors have emerged to provide inexpensive, flexible alternative to water protection.

Sinclair:  Where are water leak detection solutions being deployed?

Rogers:  Water leak detection solutions are traditionally found in raised floors in multi-million dollar data centers. Increasingly, they are being deployed in air conditioning units, cold-water chillers, water supply and return lines, clogged drains, damaged skylights or windows, construction errors, or even condensation drips. Customers install them anywhere mission-critical equipment is being maintained, including clean rooms, utility corridors, laboratories, telecommunication facilities, storage areas, elevator shafts, water-cooled equipment, and many more.

Sinclair:  How reliable is the use of cable sensor for water leak detection?

Rogers:  The perception is that water cable sensors are not very reliable because of the high rates of false alarms. This may be true for older cable technology, made of conductive polymer, which is a lot less reliable. Pressure exerted on the cable or the cable coming in contact with metallic surfaces such as metal rods or grounding planes can create a short-circuit. The reality is that there are new non-conductive polymer which are much more reliable and suffer none of these problems.

Sinclair:  How easy is it to deploy an intelligent water cable sensor?

Rogers:  Intelligent water cable sensors are very easy to install and does not require special skills. Simply run it on the floor or tie it to water pipes. Its ease of installation is ideal for both retrofits as well as new builds. Some cables come with ready-made connectors that provide flexibility in the length adjustments.

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