April 2014

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Across My DeskKen Sinclair, Publisher

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Every month there is a blizzard of information contained in the emails and newsletters that cross my desk on their way to AutomatedBuildings.com. Some of this information is not in the form of any type of content we can publish but I feel I should share with you these snippets, blog bits, and url links that are about to fall off my desktop.

The 12 Things You Need to Know about Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) Jim Butler – CTO – Cimetrics Craig Engelbrecht – Director of Smart Services and Technology – Siemens Jim Lee – CEO, Founder – Cimetrics Jim Sinopoli - Managing Principal, Founder – Smart Buildings, LLC

Great Infographic showing IoT potential and explaining what IoT really is

BIM – it’s all about the classification Classification has been used in the construction world for many years, often without the users knowing it. BSRIA BIM expert, John Sands, discusses how the potential of BIM data may be difficult to realise without classification if you can’t find the particular piece of information efficiently when you need it.

Review the Energy Management Guideline (PDF - 10MB), which is the primary study material for the EMP exam. A Comprehensive Process for Energy Management and Enhanced Building Performance

Microsoft is Discontinuing Windows XP Support: What Does It Mean for Proteus Software? Eagle Technology wants to remind our Proteus users that in only 2 weeks Microsoft will be ending support for Windows XP. Please read on to learn how this will affect you

Cyber-attacks of automation systems are increasing while the industry is broadening the attack surface with more IP-based Ethernet networks.By adding more IP-based devices, we appear to be making the attack surface larger for predators.

Niagara Summit Business Track preview with Wayne Tighe - YouTube

Did You Know that BASrouters used in pairs can extend your MS/TP wiring?  For example if you have a new building or a remote location and you would like to extend your MS/TP wiring to the new location, you can use a pair of BASrouters over an existing Ethernet link between the locations.

This year KNX will once again be represented at the light+building trade fair in Frankfurt (30 March - 4 April 2014) in a manner befitting of its status as the world’s leading standard for home and building control. The three letters of the KNX name will be emblazoned in eye-catching locations in several of the halls at the fair, for example in the popular Galleria, where the KNX Association is building the “KNX city” on an area covering some 700 square metres. Topics addressed in the KNX city will include “Energy management in the city of the future”,

What makes an Intelligent Building Smart? Just a few years ago intelligent buildings were seen as the wave of the future with few examples. Now they are on their way to becoming to the new tradition in construction and building management, especially with the evolution of LEED certification

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of   BACnet history, terminology and philosophy for building owners, managers and others involved with BACnet projects

Do People Have a Clue What to Do With IoT?  I come across all these beautiful articles around the Internet of Things filled with graphics, network diagrams, and a generic finger reaching out to touch some translucent screen in the distance. As if a finger, some Adobe Photoshop items, and a network diagram are all we need to make the IoT work…

25 things you might not know about the web on its 25th birthday  It sprang from the brain of one man, Tim Berners-Lee, and is the fastest-growing communication medium of all time. A quarter-century on, we examine how the web has transformed our lives

this issue of the Insider we will look at a range of data visualization tools provided by SkySpark®, and highlight the ways SkySpark lets you share results and views across your organization

Toronto has been selected as the location for one of four global Overload. There are too many processes running under this userid. Please wait a minute and try again. (fork failed)Cisco Internet of Everything (IoE) Innovation Centers, and will serve as a global hub for thought leadership and solutions development that will capture the value and imagination of IoE.

Why open source automation is the secret to smarter buildings. By Jeremy Faludi Published March 05, 2014

When it comes to building automation, BACnet is the standard protocol used to integrate control systems from multiple vendors. It is an open standard that allows control system devices to talk to each other. CCN investigates the BACnet story.

The Mi-Gateway is a network gateway that receives messages from one or multiple Mi-Sensor remote wireless sensors (not included), and either logs their status or sends an email alert based on user configurable thresholds or settings.  Most cellular companies offer an email-to-SMS service in case a text message is preferred.   Add one or many wireless Mi-Sensors . These tiny 4cm x 4cm devices have built-in temperature sensor, motion/shock sensor and push button.  They can be used to detect hi/low temperatures, door knocking, glass break attempts, movement of assets, or even lack of presence (out of range)detection without any add-on sensors.


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