April 2016 |
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– Shaun Klann and Ken Sinclair
Shaun Klann, Vice President of Business Development, Intelligent Buildings, LLC
Shaun Klann has over 15 years of experience exclusively dedicated to transforming the concepts of the Smart Building industry into reality. This includes the development of many of the nations largest Smart Buildings programs and most advanced guideline documentation on the topic. As recognized leader of smart, connected real estate, Shaun is a is an outspoken advocate and has been dedicated to both the advancement and the adoption of technology inside of various real estate types.
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Shaun will run a conference workshop: AN INTRODUCTION TO INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS – DEFINING, PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING A SUCCESFUL PROGRAM. He will also moderate a discussion on Cybersecurity within the Smart Commercial Buildings Conference
In your opinion for either a current or prospective Smart Building
Owner what are the one or two 'must do' projects that they should be
planning for?
Klann: Well, there are some foundational elements that should always be
the starting point, and these have to do with your first step which is
getting access to your data. Commonly these first step efforts ensure
your selected technologies are both ‘open’, by means of protocols
and databases, and ‘connected’, by means of a consolidated data
backbone. But with that said let's make the assumption these
foundational elements are in place and that you have access to your
data. In that case I would say that there are two 'must do' projects
for any Smart Building Owner and they both have to do with step two,
protecting your data.
Project One: Invest in a single consolidated, Smart Building Database
(SBDB). While that doesn’t sound exciting or flashy it's rapidly
becoming an investment that will pay for itself time and time again.
More Smart Building Software solutions are moving both to the
cloud, and to subscription based pricing models. This gives the
building owner new flexibility in selecting the best of breed Smart
Building Applications. We already know that when moving at the speed of
software the best-in-class today will be outclassed by a competitor
tomorrow. Embracing a software as a service model lets the owner
easily swap providers as needed to maintain that best-in-class
edge. However, the transition from software to software needs to be
cost effective and essentially painless. This is where the SBDB
comes into play. The SBDB provides a controlled environment where the
the data is owned by the building, not the software provider.
Furthermore, it provides data that has been normalized and formatted
for easy consumption by any third party Smart Building software
application. This is essential to make that transition from software A
to software B both cost effective and relatively painless.
Project Two:
Secure your data and your systems. All current day
networked building systems and the aforementioned trend of moving data
to the cloud have real cyber risks. This can materialize from
your third party support contractors, software providers, or even
internal threats. Each building owner regardless if the building is
’Smart’ or not should have a building system cyber security policy and
remediation process in place. Therefore we strongly encourage all
building owners to develop and implement a project that first evaluates
your current building system cyber risks and vulnerabilities followed
by the development of internal governance processes to both remediate
and mitigate these risks.
Does a Smart Building Database provide an owner with
operational savings in the way that other Smart Building attributes
impact energy or sustainability?
Klann: Good question. Most building technology projects are
justified by some form of an ROI calculation. In this particular
instance before you can start this calculation you first need to
acknowledge and embrace the disruptive changes taking place in the
facility management software marketplace. Analogous to how
one might switch your online TV streaming services from Amazon to
Netflix for the sole purpose of viewing ‘House of Cards’, (a Netflix
exclusive program) you have to adopt that same mind set for facility
management software. Who has the best Fault Detection Analytics
software, who has the best chiller optimization algorithms or work
order tools……. this year? If you embrace this mindset then the
new software features will provide the ROI but this can only be done if
there is a low cost / no cost model for switching over. This is why
building owners need to first, own their data and second,
have a one time investment in ‘normalizing this data’ inside of the
SBDB for easy access to multiple software applications.
The second project you mentioned was around Cyber
Security. Does this mean that Smart Buildings are at a higher risk?
Klann: No, not at all and it's a common misperception in my
opinion. The fact of the matter is that any building that
contains a monitoring or control system installed in the last 15-20
years is going to be networked and is going to be at the same or
perhaps higher risks than that of a ‘Smart' Building. These building
all have workstations, servers, networks, and in many cases outside
internet connection, all that have been installed under the watchful
eye of no one. In most cases a Smart Building will lower the cyber
risks because a skillful design or implementation partner will employ
today’s best cyber security counter measures and mitigation tactics.
These measures and tactics have not been a staple of traditional design
or construction practices over the last 20 years. So for this reason I
would argue that a Smart Building is more secure than a traditional
Transitioning a bit, we hear a lot about the role of
IOT devices inside of a Smart Building, in your opinion which one of
these ‘devices’ will have the greatest impact to the sophistication of
tomorrow's Smart Building.
You are right, there is a lot of talk right about IOT and how these
connected devices will create incredible amounts of consumable data
for Smart Building applications. On average each new IOT device will
produce 5-20 consumable data points so an investment in 100 widgets
will get you somewhere on average of 1,000 new data points. In my
opinion, the next big THING isn’t a device at all but rather, a byproduct of
our current day design tools. Modern designs produce millions to
billions of data points captured inside of a BIM Model. These BIM
are invaluable during the design and construction phases of the project
but historically are underutilized during the operational phase of a
building's lifecycle. The next big data source isn’t going to be a
light sensor or a meter but a new level of building meta data that
defines in great detail the very characteristics of construction
that will provide tomorrow’s Smart Building with a new level of
sophistication for monitoring and control algorithms.
Accomplishing this comes with its own challenges that perhaps we can
dive into during our next conversation.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Sinclair:
From the vantage of your firm's philosophy what make a Smart Building project or program successful.
Klann: Well it's not the technology that’s for sure. I suspect many
readers won’t be surprised by that answer. Our philosophy engages the
human element of technology which means addressing in parallel to the
technology, the operational infrastructure such as organizational
alignment, technology change management and redefined facility
management policies and procedures. We call this FM Transformation, and
the premise is that technology has and will change faster than
organizations and working cultures can evolve to. Therefore if you want
to get the most value out of your technology investment it becomes
necessary to inject a catalyst to accelerate the traditionally slow
evolution process. It's about revamping legacy cultures and
procedures to better align with the capabilities of today's
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