January 2016 |
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– Hans Kranz and Ken Sinclair
Hans R. Kranz VDI, Forst / Baden
(active) retirement
member of DIN Presidial Board
Former Board Member of VDI-TGA
Project Leader ISO 16484
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Editor's note; as the presenter at this year's ControlTrends Hall of Fame Award I wish to share my new found knowledge of the amazing Hans and his many contributions to the industry.
From last month's interview See you in Orlando at CTA this announcement of the acknowledgment of Hans' achievements.
The ControlTrends Hall of Fame Award is a unique opportunity to
recognize the true pioneers of our HVAC Industry. Our previous
inductees include Werner Buck, Jerry Frank, George Thomas, and Michael
Newman. This year, logistics dictated that we have no element of
surprise for one of the deserving inductees, Hans R. Kranz, from
Germany, who is one of the founders of BACnet. Hans Kranz is a
remarkable man whose relentless and collaborative efforts led to the
global adoption of BACnet.
A quick overview of Hans' contributions can be found in the below link.
Hans Kranz’s Curriculum Vitae for the 2016 ControlTrends Hall of Fame event
Sinclair: What was the reason for developing the Part 3, Functions. of the Building Automation and Control Standard?
Kranz: When the DDCs began to develop in the HVAC
field, the control was set by individual products such as analog
controllers in the tenders. The building automation system was (and is)
specified by data points. Since that time, the complexity of the
functions of rooms and facilities of a building is extremely
grown. The market still is calculating with hardware and data
points - regardless of whether the data point is from a toilet fan or a
heating-cooling air-conditioning unit. This resulted in not delivering
adequate prices. Particular problems have occurred when there are
changes in a project. How can you determine the prices for more or less
data points, if there is no change the DDC hardware because of free
terminals? But there is a lot of work to engineering. Over the years
quite strange control function texts appeared for the bidding process.
They were to read, like a voodoo dance description. This method of BACS
sales staff (the consultants 'help') ensures that a competitor cannot
understand what shall be delivered accurately. This in turn led to
misinterpretations and wrong calculations - the "most incorrect' win
the contract. This led to dissatisfaction with all stakeholders.
Let me say this important statement: Only manufacturers and installers
with competent employees can ensure - at adequate prices - optimum
deployment of building automation and control, including investment
protection along with the required serviceability and functionality.
This is sufficiently underscored by the number of bankruptcies, mergers
and incomplete building automation and control projects over the past
decades. I was told that there are these problems not only in Europe.
Sinclair: How can the standardized functions help to avoid those dissatisfactions?
Kranz: Adequate pricing only is possible when
invitations to tender are legally certain. In general, invitations to
tender must support the unambiguous exchange of information to secure
free and fair competition, avoid unnecessary risks of cost and take
advantage of the potential for innovation. So, generally
recognized standards and standardized methods are required to specify
today's complex technical building automation and control systems. The
principle of internationally standardized building automation and
control functions is the base for better tendering - especially in
system integration projects. There it is important to describe, which
vendor has to do which part of the engineering work. The
functions, from the sensor input to the dynamic display are described
clearly in Part 3 of the ISO standard. A consultant has to plan, and
then to count and to put the number into items of work. This describes,
together with the plant schematic, the required plant functions and
provides additionally for a clear method to calculate the engineering
costs. The standard provides the BACS function list for the purpose to
document and to count the functions. In the tender, a standard function
describes engineering services only - the complete required engineering
work for a certain function. No hardware. The hardware is specified as
a separate item.
Sinclair: Can this describe all conceivable system functions?
Kranz: No, but about 90%. And that is more than we
expected when we started to develop the standard functions within the
VDI (The Association of German Engineers). Our Japanese ISO colleagues
also could not imagine how to describe e. g. the functionality of
packaged dual air-cooled brine chiller with ice storage system unit,
with winter, transition period, and summer mode. After learning the
handling of the function list and with a control flow chart diagram,
they did! You can see the result as example B2 in the standard.
Special, non standard plant requirements have to be described by
explaining text. By the way: the BACS-FL also supports the design of
systems using the BACnet protocol (ISO 16484-5).
Sinclair: Is there any help to fill in the function list in real projects?
Kranz: Yes. There are several computer aided tools.
With a CAD program one can design the building services plants or the
room equipment. Then by key stroke the function list will be filled.
Two examples are Mervisoft TRIC and WSCAD BAControl. There are others,
even web-based (GFR Webproject).
This way of planning also provides for computer based tendering and bidding as used in some countries.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Sinclair: How did you ensure that the function list can be used in public procurement?
Kranz: For many years it has been used in Germany. Now
also in Austria and soon in Switzerland. There are standard
contract procedures (VOB) from DIN. It requires the ISO standard
functions to be used as a work item. The relevant tendering texts are
given by the standard specification of the Joint Committee for
Information Technology in the Construction Industry (GAEB). There are
some other guidelines and recommendations forcing the use of the ISO
functions. e.g. from the Working Group Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering of State and Municipal Administrations, AMEV.
Sinclair: That sounds very interesting. Is there more information in English for learning more about this great method?
Kranz: Certainly. I have prepared an article,
especially for my American colleagues. They can study here on this
website by downloading PDF. You also should have the ISO standard 16484-3 with
it beside. The title of the article is: Application Of the BACS-FL -
ISO 16484-3.
Sinclair: Many thanks for the insightful answers.
Kranz: Thank you for the very competent questions.
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