June 2010


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Takeaways from ConnectivityWeek 2010

Ken Sinclair Ken Sinclair

Editor/Owner, AutomatedBuildings.com

ConnectivityWeek was a great event - with the largest ever registration of over 1300. Many new grid partners created an increased impact with new energy solutions while showing us improved overall organization and connectivity of our industry.

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After each year's event I try to list my takeaways of the things that significantly impacted, impressed me and are likely to change my future.

1. Building to Grid "B2G" connectivity is inevitable

Even if your local electrical grid is not yet smart it soon will be forced to change its ways and engage in the incredible opportunity that is smart grid. The easiest first step is to manipulate the large existing connected loads in Automated Buildings by offering incentives in the form of dynamic pricing to achieve a proven successful B2G relationship.

Environmentally unsustainable far far away generation coupled with high loss transmission can no longer be our growth model. Grid load management of existing building loads with new found connectivity to grid provides an almost immediate solutions to load shape locally and on the complete grid.

Closely coupled sustainable energy generation such as photovoltaic's as part of building, closely coupled micro grid and off grid solutions (http://www.galvinpower.org/ will help you understand the concepts) can provide a smarter grid but will take a significant time to implement and will be built on the back of the connectivity model demonstrated by B2G.  Standards being developed under The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) are helping to pave the way for building to grid relationships.

2. The session I led  Building Automation Systems Get a Smart Grid Makeover

This session provided me and many others with lots of takeaways and much insight that includes the fact that we have the complete support of the majors in connectivity and control to help drive the process.  The gist of the session is stated below. A PDF of each presenters' presentation can be downloaded from the above link. Just click on speakers picture.

Each gave their take on; How does the Smart Grid factor in to the surge in interest in BAS technologies and applications? Can the BAS industry really unlock billions of dollars in our anemic economy? The panel of IT and BAS leaders discussed technology, market, and economic drivers that are making energy-efficient buildings.

I would like to thank the panel members for their openness in a very interesting Q&A.  Phil Davis - Schneider Electric, Jeremy Eaton - Honeywell, Christoph Vogel - Siemens,  John Petze - Cisco. The slide below represents the type of information presented but the real fun was in the interaction between the crowd and the panel. Great job guys! Thanks again.

3. Everyone must achieve a good "Plays well together" rating

This kindergarten rating applies to all in our industry who are providing services and products in the B2G space. Folks that follow conventions and newly evolving standards and generally play well with others will be rewarded. Companies that provide products and service that do not play well with others will perish. This was reflected throughout the complete conference in a feeling plus an observed cooperation of all. The goal of achieving a smart grid has given us all a new common purpose.

4. Standards efforts have been united by NIST under

The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) will support NIST in fulfilling its responsibilities under the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act. The SGIP will identify, prioritize and address new and emerging requirements for Smart Grid standards. It will further develop the initial NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 1.0 , which was released January 2010.


Lots of work has been done here; lot of ways to get involved.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] 5. Connectivity to new Young Energy "YE" folks must made a priority

A last minute out reach to YE folks allowed a few to be part of this year's ConnectivityWeek. The new YE have grown up in a world of connectivity and have simple solutions to our complicated problems. If you are not connecting to this new energy source and do not have YE as part of your team I fear for your ability to move forward in today's market. I am pleased to lend my support as a mentor plus work to involve more young folks in our building automation industry.

Please review their comments in interviews of their reflections of ConnectivityWeek.

Plus these articles from our down under YE Nirosha Munasinghe, Open General
The Future of Cloud Connectivity for BAS

What is a Web Enabled Building Management System?  Data Integration Levels

Introducing YoungEnergy @ ConnectivityWeek 2010

YoungEnergy 2010

Allison put the YE folks to work. Hear some of their video presentations on the YouTube site for Clasma Events: http://www.youtube.com/clasmaevents.

6.  Vinton G. Cerf vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google Opening Night Keynote.

Left me with many takeaways like how he screwed up, and where the internet is likely to go. A fantastic speaker with incredible insight into how this may all play out in the internet of things. I think the complete keynote will be available online shortly so watch this space. http://www.connectivityweek.com/2010/#session_1577

Cerf is responsible for identifying new enabling technologies and applications on the Internet and other platforms for the company.

Widely known as a "Father of the Internet," Vint is the co-designer with Robert Kahn of TCP/IP protocols and basic architecture of the Internet. In 1997, President Clinton recognized their work with the U.S. National Medal of Technology. In 2005, Vint and Bob received the highest civilian honor bestowed in the U.S., the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It recognizes the fact that their work on the software code used to transmit data across the Internet has put them "at the forefront of a digital revolution that has transformed global commerce, communication, and entertainment."


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