June 2014 |
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Building Controls Go Social and Mobile
VP Research and Marketing, Building Robotics, Inc |
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There’s always talk in
the tech world about the next big waves of
innovation. Today, two of the big spotlights are on ‘social’
technologies and mobile technologies.
‘Social’ technologies harness the power of established networks of
people to help consumers make decisions like purchasing, inventing new
things, etc. We see it with technologies like Yelp, Amazon customer
reviews, and websites like Kickstarter.
And when the tech world says ‘mobile’, it doesn’t just mean that you
can access something on your phone. True mobile innovation is “mobile
first"- technologies that recognize that smart phones are not
small versions of your computer, they have an enormous potential beyond
that. Phones go everywhere with us, phones have sensing capabilities
far greater than computers, the list goes on.
Now that the buildings industry is migrating towards the Internet of
Things, what will this IoT landscape enable, in terms of truly
groundbreaking technology? It’s not just the ability to look at more
data, or to speed up our existing business practices. It’s allowing
buildings to become a part of the technology revolution, where mobility
and the harnessing of social networks are becoming the norm.
So what do social and mobile trends look like for building controls and
The word “Social” in reference to
the built environment can mean a lot
of things. Lee Odess hits on some great points in his interview
month- social building controls are really personalized building
controls. Social buildings will start to recognize the individual and
react accordingly, and there’s great technology emerging every day to
help that happen.
But how do we build the tools that allow people to interact with their
environment, to get what they want out of it? Most folks don’t know how
HVAC systems work, or what levels of light they enjoy. At Building
Robotics, we take a people-centered approach, which means designing
systems that allow for simple interactions, diversity of user types,
unpredictable schedules, and dynamic facilities management. What does
this mean?
Simple interactions- people
like simple choices, not too much
information, just enough to get them what they need. In the case of
Comfy, this means just three simple buttons. But using another example,
think about complex lighting control panels in conference rooms-
without a training session, no employee is going to intuitively
understand how to use the bank of eight sliders and switches that are
available to them, so they never get used.
Diversity of user types- now
that we can provide controls that are more
tuned to smaller spaces, we need to think less about the “least common
denominator” of building controls, and really think about how different
people use the space. There will be folks who don’t want to use
controls, and folks who want to use them every day. There will be
people who sit at their desk all day, and those who sit in a different
spot every hour. How do we design great building controls so that
everyone can get what they need?
Unpredictable schedules-
by most (anecdotal) estimates, a typical
commercial office building today is only 50-60% occupied at any given
moment (not in terms of leasing, but in terms of actual people in the
space). People are coming and going, using huddle spaces instead of
their desks, tele-working, some workers arrive at 6am, some at 10am.
With all this empty space, how can we optimize the operations of
Dynamic facilities management-
this all amounts to the need for tools
that allow today's facility manager to recognize and respond to more
moving pieces than ever before.
At Building Robotics, we use all of these design constraints to create
our software, Comfy. We’ll be talking more about it this month at IBCon
and RealComm, at our sessions on Smart HVAC and Mobile
Applications. There’s a lot more info out there on user
experience design, but one good place to start in our industry is a
fun, informative piece by the Usable Buildings Trust, Controls for End
Another social trend in technology
that will likely spread to the
building industry soon is the consumer review. Just like we can
reviews on Amazon of things we want to buy, or reviews on Yelp of where
to eat dinner, soon technology portals will allow people to share how
they feel about the buildings they work in. This is already possible
through portals like GBIG,
and the long-term implications on real
estate pricing should be obvious. With social networks allowing regular
occupants to voice opinions about buildings, competition for great
indoor environments should start to increase momentum, and, much like
all social platforms today, the
best buildings will be the ones that
get the highest scores from occupants. And since HVAC, lighting,
other building systems are some of the most prominent occupant-facing
systems, we can expect these to matter more and more to building owners.
The ‘mobile’ trend ties into all of
these dynamics very well. In the
past, a truly dynamic building that responds to the comings and goings
and varying needs of occupants was not possible. Today, it’s becoming
possible. Indoor positioning is emerging as a viable technology
(although spatial accuracy still needs improvement before we can really
step on the gas), enabling us to get towards the real goal: using
people and their mobile devices as the sensors for the building. No
need to pay for extra hardware and infrastructure to monitor and
‘sense’ basic info about where people are in space, or what the
temperature might be. This means that mobile devices will also become
the interface for the building. If you don’t like the light,
pull out your phone and change it. If you see something broken, snap a
photo and send it to the facility manager. In this way, mobile devices
will allow us to do what we’ve always wanted to do, which is to have a
better way to interact with occupants in buildings, in a way that’s
positive and manageable for the facilities team and the workers in the
building. Engaging occupants in helping to make the building run
smoothly, save energy, participate in Demand Response events, hold
competitions- these will all be significantly easier to do.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Mobile also allows us to *not*
bother occupants when they don’t want to
be bothered. Through machine learning and mobile tracking, we can
profiles of what people want and provide it to them without asking as
frequently. Our mobile device will become our calling card, informing a
space of our preferences before we arrive. The Nest thermostat is the
best example of this, and its success should tell us all that consumers
will be looking for more of this type of technology in the future, in
the office as well as the home.
With mobile and social platforms, the sky’s the limit on how we can
improve building operations in relation to occupants. It will surely
take a learning curve to get there, and some will move faster than
others, but the good news is that mobile and social technologies are
not necessarily hardware or expensive capital investments, they can be
easily added on to existing infrastructure. This technology is arriving
on the marketplace now, and savvy building owners understand the
potential positive benefits for tenants, so now is the time to start
asking how your products and companies can be a part of this new
revolution in controls.
About the Author
Lindsay Baker is the VP for Research and Marketing at Building Robotics, Inc, a new venture-backed software startup. She is responsible for client relationships and occupant experience at BR, as well as leading marketing efforts for the new software, Comfy. A former consultant to Google’s Green Real Estate Team, and the initial team that developed the LEED Rating System, she has extensive experience in implementing and evaluating energy efficiency programs. Lindsay is a LEED AP and a Ph.D. candidate at Berkeley’s Center for the Built Environment, a leader in occupant comfort and behavior research.
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