Review - March 2003
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Review of Building Connection Forum (BuilConn) 2003 Agenda

Building Connection Forum (BuilConn) in Dallas April 23 - 25, attaches people to evolving industry concepts and reviews the agenda and identifies must see sessions.

BuilConn is the only event focused on integrated and networked building systems for contractors, dealers, and systems integrators. 

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Their Vision 
To be the preferred annual event that brings together the players in the Networked Building Systems industry to learn and develop the realities of interconnected low voltage electronic systems in buildings.

Their Mission
To facilitate the evolution of the new networked building systems industry by education, networking and discussion of relevant and valuable topics and issues

 BuilConn provides a single venue to gain a better understanding of the changes and developments in this fast changing industry. From engineers to managers, the building systems industry will learn the essential strategic and technical tools to succeed: security, HVAC, lighting, life safety, CCTV, and open systems.

Anto Budiardjo has to be admired for the breadth and depth of the BuilConn content. The concepts fashioned by the BuilConn advisory committee as many as two years ago are coming alive as industry experts come forward to breath life into them. The sessions, most of which have never been done before, will greatly increase our knowledge while correcting our misconceptions about protocols and web-based solutions. 

Have you seen the updated agenda on the web site?  The BuilConn agenda is evolving nicely with real people being attached to the publicized concepts.  The line up of moderators and panelists starts to look like an industry list of who's who. The never done before sessions see industry leaders from all camps approach the audience as an informed panel able to set the scene and objectively answer questions from the floor. Although all session are positioned to provide extremely valuable information to the industry I have outlined a few that are in my opinion must see sessions. 

[an error occurred while processing this directive]My list of must sees follows:

Open Systems Technologies Updates on LonWorks, BACnet, Niagara and other open systems technologies Thursday 9:30-11:00

Moderator: Manolescue 
Panelists: Lee, Petze, Scholten, Lynch 

The Open Systems promise has instigated a multitude of technological and philosophical debates and developments, out of which two major proposals remain: BACnet and LonWorks. But there are other alternatives in the wings. The Internet provides a fundamental platform for open solutions, and there are a number of important developments in XML and Web services that are set to change the future of open systems.

This session's panelists all have my greatest respect and I look forward to been present to feel and sense the interactions and hear their plans for moving forward. Industry history is often created in session like this.

Integration using Web Browsers  - Implementing the Web Servers in building systems  Thursday 2:30 – 3:45

Moderator: Jannicelli
Panelists: Bark, Sinclair, McGowan, Donlon

The web browser provides a compelling way to integrate different systems into a single operator interface. Such solutions provide great flexibility, absence of the need to install software on user’s workstations as well as a great degree of familiarity.
The session discusses the challenges of installing web servers into buildings and the technologies that can make the task a lot easier to install and maintain in the longer term.

I am extremely please to be part of this panel and have the greatest respect for my fellow panelists. The subject matter of course is what is all about. I am looking forward to the interaction from the floor with real experience and application. The exciting part of these sessions is that they attract the brain trust of the industry. 

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Web Browser as the new Opportunity - Turn the Web Browser into a valuable tool for your customers Thursday 3:45 – 5:30

Moderator: Potter
Panelists: McGowan, Bark, Scholten

The web browser has become the most significant “killer” application that we all use in our everyday lives. The promise of its use for building systems is real and compelling and challenges a new thinking of how to sell this new User Interface.
What are the components of this exciting new proposition? Is it as simple as selling a new software product, or is it a more fundamental change in how the industry sells solutions?

Discussions on the "killer" application will be great.

XML in Buildings - Understand how XML will effect the future of NBS Friday 9:30 – 10:15

Moderator: Sinclair
Panelists: Manolescue, Donlon, Branson

The XML technology is heralded to bring significant promise as a vehicle to interchange data to/from different incompatible systems. The technology is being heavily used in the IT world, including the Internet and many of the standard office applications in use today.
This session discusses how XML can significantly affect the future of networked building systems. Presenters will provide an up to date view of XML developments and explore the impact on network
ed building systems.

This is a great topic. I am extremely pleased that I am the Moderator and not on the the panel for this complex subject matter.  I look forward to interactions from the floor with those having real experiences and applications.

Web services for Buildings - Understand the impact of Web services on building systems Friday 10:15-11:00

Moderator: Manolescue
Panelists: Scholten, Lee, Chervet

Initiated by Microsoft and others, Web services provide a modern and robust approach to a communication transport between devices and systems.
With many vendors already working on Web services solutions, this session discusses how Web services will affect the building systems industry and explains key issues to look for

This will be a good discussion and will allow us to update our Web Services Forum which we started several year ago.

Can you sense my excitement? Trust me this is going to be a fun event - one you do not want to miss. See you there.

Ken Sinclair,

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