March 2010

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Tunneling and Secure Data Transfer via OPC UA

With over 140 protocols, client interfaces and server interfaces is the ideal solution to bridge your various automation solutions for M2M (Machine to Machine) or P2E (Plant to Enterprise) applications.

Kepware Technologies

In 2009, the OPC Foundation released its next generation interoperability standard, named OPC UA (Unified Architecture). This technology delivers the latest capabilities in Automation Data Transfer and addresses the need for highly secure, cross platform communications , the transmission of Information = Data + Context, and unifies the earlier specifications of OPC into one interface for all forms of information, Data Access, Alarms and Events and Historic Data Access.

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KEPServerEX version 5.2 and greater delivers OPC UA server capability in addition to the existing OPC DA, OPC AE and Native interfaces it has delivered in the past. In addition, KEPServerEX 5.2 and greater delivers an Optional OPC UA Client (delivered in the form of a driver). The Combination of an OPC UA Client and UA Server within KEPServerEX enables a host of new capabilities previously unavailable in the automation marketplace.

The Features and Benefits of OPC UA
Initially started in 2004, by the OPC Foundation and a group of its members, OPC UA was developed to address the current and future needs for information transfer in the automation world. Its goals were to:

  • Deliver a technology portable to a wide range of operating systems and technology platforms

  • Adopting a security standard familiar to IT professionals

  • Support the Intelligent transfer of Information, not just data

  • Enable communications in the broadest possible scenarios – not just between computers in an automation facility, but across the Internet, even in Business to Business (B2B) scenarios

  • Firewall Friendly and Easy to Manage

These benefits are core to the capabilities described in the OPC UA specifications and Kepware has delivered them in KEPServerEX version 5.2 and above.

OPC UA Tunneling for Reliable and Secure Remote OPC Server Connectivity
Since the introduction of OPC back in 1996, Automation professionals have relying on DCOM technology for use in distributed
automation applications. While technology in OPC leveraged the best available Microsoft Technology of the day, COM (Component Object Model), its networking counterpart – DCOM (Distributed COM) was not designed with the rigors of industrial
automation in mind, nor the distributed operation common in our Internet connected world. As a result, “Tunnel” products have
been developed as a replacement to DCOM for distributed applications. Tunnel products have typically delivered proprietary
technology - a vendor specific solution enabling the departure from DCOM reliance.

OPC UA communications, by pairing an OPC UA Client with a Remote OPC UA Server, is the ideal solution for connectivity between distributed OPC Classic Clients and Servers. KEPServerEX, with its variety of connectivity options has become the ideal “Gateway” between automation products that support OPC DA.

An OPC UA Based Tunneling Solution delivers the following Benefits:

Secure Tunnel

Reliably Sharing Real-Time Information in Business to Business (B2B) Applications
Sharing real-time Production, Inventory and Status information between organizations has always been an area of concern. How
to do it reliably. How to do it securely. How to make the solution IT Friendly and easy to administer for your IT Professionals.
KEPServerEX, with OPC UA Clients and Servers, is now the ideal “Information Gateway”, enabling you to select and share exactly the information you want with your suppliers or customers. You decide what information you want to make available, the
frequency with which it is updated and control Read/Write access. Connectivity to remote companies can be done through
one Gateway interface or managed separately through “Paired” endpoint configurations, enabling independent control over
communications ports on a per user basis.

Applications for OPC UA B2B Applications

Secure OPC UA Connectivity

KEPServerEX’s OPC UA Server
Delivered as an additional interface to KEPServerEX, the OPC UA Server enables communications to OPC UA Clients. The
OPC UA Server is a free interface to KEPServerEX and can be used in parallel with all KEPServerEX server interfaces including
OPC DA, OPC AE, GE NIO, Wonderware SuiteLink, DDE, and Oracle interfaces for connectivity to third party clients.

The OPC UA Server supports the following capabilities:

[an error occurred while processing this directive] KEPServerEX OPC UA Client Option
Delivered as an optional driver solution, the KEPServerEX OPC UA Client Driver enables connectivity to local or remote OPC UA Servers by Kepware or by third parties. The OPC UA Client Driver has the ability to aggregate information collected from multiple OPC UA servers. When coupled with the KEPServerEX OPC UA Server, customers will enjoy additional benefits of ease of use through the KEPServerEX Certificate Management application and tools to enable quick and easy installation and configuration.

OPC UA Client Driver Features include:

OPC UA Client Tag Import from an OPC UA Server Dialog

Also – Interoperability between Standards
Let KEPServerEX be your interoperability solution between industry standards such as OPC DA, OPC UA, DDE, ODBC and Native Interfaces for Wonderware, GE Intelligent Platforms, Oracle and others. KEPServerEX, with over 140 protocols, client interfaces and server interfaces is the ideal solution to bridge your various automation solutions for M2M (Machine to Machine) or P2E (Plant to Enterprise) applications.

About Kepware
Kepware is the world leader in communication software for automation and offers unique experience in both OPC and embedded
device communications. Since 1995, Kepware has focused on the development of communication drivers to automation controllers, I/O and field devices. Operating system support includes; Microsoft Windows Desktop, Server and Embedded (Windows CE and Windows NT/XP Embedded). Today, with over 140 communication protocols, and through the efforts of our direct sales, distribution and embedded partners, Kepware is the leading provider of communications with annual shipments exceeding 100,000 units.


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