March 2010

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Richard BlackwellEMAIL INTERVIEW - Richard Blackwell & Ken Sinclair

Richard Blackwell, President, AVWorkz

Naval Veteran and Graduate of Ga. Tech in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Richard has been in the Telecommunications and Web Software industry for 20 years. He received the first US Patent awarded for Videoconferencing Integration in 1996, then in 2001 created the first web based Resource Manager and later sold that to Forgent Communications. In 2004 while Managing Director of SafeHome Richard created an early Social Media Application called NeighborLink®. When SafeHome sold in 2005 he started AVWorkz Software and began the process of first managing Equipment Automation for Meeting Rooms, then later Meeting Facilities and now the soon to be released Online Building Automation Web Services.

Online BAS Energy Management Web Services

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Sinclair:  Why did you develop your web service?

Blackwell:  In 2001 I created the first of its kind web Meeting and Resource Scheduler called Global Scheduling Solutions. In two years it was at the top of it market space and recipient of numerous awards. One of the future upgrades I had scheduled for the product was not just to manage the meeting space but to communicate with the space and all its equipment. Soon after the product was acquired by Forgent Communications. My goal to communicate with the space was never realized. Five years ago when we started the sister company (and source of capital) our plan was again to communicate with the space. In a crashing economy we realized that a low cost service for Integrators that allowed them to watch the equipment at a customer’s site was of great value. We grew from meeting spaces to entire floors and from managing entire floors of information we have taken the leap to entire buildings.

Sinclair:  Who will likely use it?

Blackwell:  Facility managers are the primary target, but also we still have loyalties to the Integration community that needs to know the status of their customers equipment.

Sinclair:  Do I need to use your hardware solutions?

Blackwell:  First off I should be clear that we are a Software Services Company and don’t sell any hardware. But you mention solutions and our software is certainly a significant part of a complete Building Solution which includes of course hardware. While our scalable design enables us to speak with any hardware, we do have manufacturers that have shown a strong interest in this industry and our product.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Sinclair:  What format is data in now?

Blackwell:  All of our data is stored on a large redundant database and is in the native format as sent to us by equipment.

Sinclair:  How can folks with a data stream use your service?

Blackwell:  Select the type of device you are watching, establish the data link from the collection device to our service and start viewing the results. It’s a very simple process.

Sinclair:  What are your plans for the future?

Blackwell:  We are in a the last of a three step development process. The first was Passive Collection of data with real-time review – Released in late 2008. The second was Active interaction with the data devices and associated equipment – Released in Summer of 2009. And the final major phase of proactive interaction based on data, environment, scheduling and human interaction – in beta testing now. We also have an parallel phase that provides 3rd party access to services and data for creating custom applications – Released in late 2009.


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