March 2018 |
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Transparency in Buildings. Why It Matters Transparency has become a strategic lever enabling organizations to achieve broader business agendas, achieve improved business and operational outcomes and create new levels of value. |
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commercial building market was once about acquiring and managing
buildings. Today, we are beginning to hear about transparency and its
importance in managing and operating buildings. Transparency has
become a strategic lever enabling organizations to achieve broader
business agendas, achieve improved business and operational outcomes
and create new levels of value.
This month’s theme is about transparency transformation. While
transparency has not been top of mind in the past, we are now beginning
to experience the early days of it. It has been said that transparency,
involves openness, communication, and accountability. As this
transformation continues, we need to look at it from the perspective of
how it is beginning to take place within our building environments.
Transparency within buildings and facilities is accelerating because of
the push in technology transformation. After years of being
over-shadowed, building technology is taking its turn in the spotlight.
Commercial building owners are feeling the pressure to embrace
technology and invest in intelligent building solutions that provide a
better level of transparency as well as access to real-time data for
operations, productivity, comfort, and sustainability.
With facilities operations being a major cost for any organization (some say it is the 4th or 5th highest cost), owners and operators are looking at transparency to help best utilize and create the additional value of these assets and increase the well-being of all its operations.
there are many factors contributing to transparency within the building
environment, there is a combination of certain principals that play
significant roles as base drivers. These are the push for open; the
arrival and importance of intelligent data and analytics; the digital
movement; continued movement away from proprietary; the influence of
choice; OT and IT forming stronger relationships; the change in service
delivery expectations and finally, value--more accurate decision making
and better business outcomes.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Transparency
helps deliver a prioritized overview of potential improvement measures.
Transparency is an important element in extending value. This added
value manifests itself in lower operating costs through greater
efficiencies as well as in many cases, legal and regulatory
Transparency should be viewed as a major opportunity. The benefits will
build an enormous momentum in commercial buildings and a prerequisite
for the realization of optimal building performance. While buildings
are on the path to transparency, they have aways to go. Is transparency
the new thread that connects it all together?
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