
March 2019

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IoTday April 9th

  The day to celebrate Desirable Delightful Diverting Disruption

Ken Sinclair
Founder, Owner, Publisher

Celebrating IoTs' Desirable Delightful Diverting Disruption

iotdayDisruption has always been a negative word with synonyms like disturbance, disordering, disarrangement, disarranging, interference, upset, upsetting, unsettling, confusion, confusing, disorderliness, disorganization, turmoil, disarray, interruption, suspension, discontinuation, stoppage; obstruction, impeding, hampering, spoiling, ruining, wrecking, undermining, holding up, delaying, delay, retardation.

Disruption has always been given a bad connotation so on its disruptive partners' IoT day please help me make,

IoTday April 9, 2019, the day to celebrate Desirable Delightful Diverting Disruption.

IoTday is an open invitation to the Internet of Things Community to set up an event, a lunch, a talk with the neighborhood on what #IoT is and celebrate Desirable Delightful Diverting Disruption.

Disruption is an opportunity to question what we are doing and why we are doing IT.  IoT provides a new way of doing it.  We need not just to watch this process of disruption we need to be the disruption. I have written much about and linked many resources but have not included a celebration of disruption. Please re-read these Delightful Disruptions and celebrate our disruption opportunities.

A recent disruption has been the collision of the autonomous cars and our buildings which has been depicted by the Queen of Disruption Sudha Jamthe, CEO, IoTDisruptions.

Artificial Intelligence for Smart Buildings  Buildings may be constant structures, but the cascade of disruptions on automated building stakeholders is definitely evolving for the better to create efficiencies and new ways of living and managing the property. -  Sudha Jamthe, CEO, IoTDisruptions

Smart Mobility Vehicle-to-Grid Disruption for Smart Buildings  A mobile vehicle with V2G disrupts the market and offers buildings new options with an option to use one or more V2G enabled electric vehicles as personal power grids. - Sudha Jamthe, CEO, IoTDisruptions

Disruption, Why It’s Important  Disruption is fundamentally about change; specifically, it’s about a change to the status quo that we all find comforting. - Anto Budiardjo, Editor, New Deal for Buildings

People who create disruption are often hailed as visionaries.

Those of us who resist disruption, usually have a reason for their resistance. Focusing on the business context of this article, I think there are three major reasons.

First is knowledge and understanding the disruption. Since many disruptive changes occur from a non-obvious set of problems, technology, and approaches to solve them, many people just simply do not understand why the disruption is occurring. Quite often the disruptor's themselves don’t know the exact steps of their disruption, so they aren't always able to explain things well enough. Those resisting also fail to see how the change will benefit anyone, let alone themselves.

Getting a hold on IT!  Disruption is everywhere, open is on our mind and in our software & hardware. Autodidactic DIY is how we learn. Here are some resources to help kick start your digital transformation.

Disrupting Disruption  As an industry that will survive we need to be Doing Disruption not just watching and waiting to be Disrupted.

Building emotions in our Days of Disruptions have just begun, and daily disruption will become the norm, and those that will exceed will disrupt the disruption.

Beyond BAS – The Anatomy of Disruption  Our industry will be opened to a wide variety of new players who will bring with them faster innovation. Disruption aside, this will be a good thing. - Brad White, P.Eng, MASc. President, SES Consulting Inc.

If you’ve made it this far, you might be wondering why, in a magazine dedicated to building automation, have I spent half an article talking about the food industry? Besides the fact that I think this is a fascinating snapshot of a very traditional industry about to undergo major disruption, I think there are parallels to the disruption that I see on the horizon for the automation industry.

My glimpse into this future disruption in the BAS market occurred last month at the AHR Expo, through a combination of seeing what new products were on the floor, talking with other attendees and vendors, and from participation in education sessions with a number of brilliant and passionate individuals.

Episode 301: ControlTalk NOW — Smart Buildings Videocast and PodCast for the week ending Feb 3, 2019, features interviews with Ken Sinclair, owner and editor of Automated Buildings, who helps to navigate our journey through the perilous “Path of Least Disruption,”

Taking the Path of Least Disruption with Ken Sinclair. In one of the most comprehensive editions of Automated Buildings to date, Ken Sinclair has collected sufficient compelling and convincing industry testimony to evince that we are deep in the crux of structural change that will eclipse pneumatic’s yield to DDC, and DDC’s yield computers, and computers’ yield to IoT. Many of the fearful aspects of disruption, in the right mindset, are actually opportunities in wait.

I could go on and on with my Desirable Delightful Diverting Disruption but for now just seize the day, the IoTday,

and think, talk, meet, and celebrate the positive side of disruption.

On a daily basis, I am quite disruptive and strive to be a Catalysis/Harbinger of the IoT future.

Please follow me in the medium of your choice.

I tweet as @Ken_Sinclair 

I now have a few moments ;-)

I tweet links I think will be of interest and part of our disruption and rapid industry evolution. 

Also, maintains this.

LinkedIn online blog for the magazine, a great place to interact.

I also write a column twice a month for Contractor Mag

and a column once a month for facilitiesnet Home of Building Operating Management & Facility Maintenance Decisions Magazines.


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