May 2006 |
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Sinclair, Editor | is pleased to announce that Anto Budiardjo is the winner of our first Newsmaker and Industry Shaker of the year award. Providing news and current content is the business of and Jane and I felt the necessity to recognize the most prolific Newsmaker and Industry shaker of the year for our magazine. As we start our 8th year of our online magazine and web resource we discover the we have been remiss in acknowledging the ongoing support of our contributing editors and all of our content providers. Please join us in thanking them all. This award will help us focus yearly on those Newsmakers that help us create our magazine while causing significant Shaking in the industry.
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We are not the first to recognize Anto's hard work and industry impact. Last year Clasma’s Anto Budiardjo was Named Frost & Sullivan’s 2005 Building Technologies CEO of the Year "What makes Budiardjo extraordinary is not just the tremendous influence he has within the building technologies industry or the leadership and management capabilities that have catapulted him into this high-ranking position," says Frost & Sullivan research analyst Sapan Agarwal. "But also is the way he has taken his company beyond the boundaries of the country to give leadership a whole new meaning in this age of globalization."
Amen; I cannot better this description but what I can do is update you to some of this year's news making and shaking and general gluing together of our industry. Anto's signature event BuilConn comes to the west coast of America this month.
BuilConn 2006 Palm Springs From the very first BuilConn in 2003, the event’s vision has been to connect people with each other so that devices and systems can be better connected. The name BuilConn is no accident, it’s about Building Connectivity (“building” both as a verb and a noun). BuilConn is the only venue focused on this very important subject, not about the disciplines of HVAC, security, lighting, IT or any of the other systems found in buildings, but about connecting them with each other, and extracting their true value. The supporters of BuilConn are evolving to be a veritable list of connectivity-centric companies and organizations: LONMARK, BACnet, oBIX, OASIS, OPC, ZigBee and CABA to name a few, and commercial support from Cisco, Tridium, Gridlogix, Lantronix, Cimetrics and many others. It’s also not an accident that BuilConn is co-located with events that also focus on connectivity, M2M in generic devices and GridWise Expo for the smart Grid. It is time to turn connectivity into new business opportunities.
Building-IT convergence is set to take a major leap forward in 2006 as Cisco announces its Platinum sponsorship of BuilConn Americas in Palm Springs, CA, May 16-18
First ever; Cisco Connected Roundtable is a by-invitation-only meeting for key stakeholders in the building automation industry. The purpose is to discuss the needs of building owners and the issues regarding the supply of products and services; the context of the roundtable is the increasing adoption of IP-centric systems in building systems. To get more insight on this piece of history in the making click here Cisco Connected Roundtable.
From this year's M2M Expo in Palm Springs "While much of M2M has to date been about technology and applications within specific vertical segments and markets, the full power of M2M will only be realized as a grand integration platform enabling cross vertical interoperability and business opportunities."
Inaugural GridWiseTM Expo Takes Shape
with Strong Line-up of Educational Opportunities, Live Demonstrations
Gridwise convention; The historic and groundbreaking GridWise Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia on December 6-7, 2005, and assembled those with the will and the vision to move this important endeavor forward. Our contributing editor Anto Budiardjo help organize the event and contributing editor Jack Mc Gowan sits on the DOE GridWise Architecture Council and the Energy and Power Management Technical Advisory Board.
BuilConn Europe 2005
IP + XML + Wireless = Amsterdam is clear that IP-based technologies (XML, Web services, etc.) will dominate upper levels of building systems architecture.
The message from Cisco at BuilConn Europe is that the building automation convergence Decision Zone is now upon us. The growth of IP controls is poised to dramatically accelerate in the next few years. Robbert Kuppens, EMEA Managing Director of Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group, in his Keynote presentation in Amsterdam, November 9, declared that in a similar way the PBX industry reached the decision zone around 2002, the BAS market is now at this point in what they call a “Decision Zone”.
[an error occurred while processing this directive] HP’s message at BuilConn First of all, IP is the enabler for HP’s interest in buildings; without IP-centric solutions, buildings would not be part of the enterprise picture, not part of the integrated corporate network. IT Systems Integrators thrive on IP and the data standards revolving around it. To sum this up, John’s comment is, “The future is IP everywhere”. If you’ve been around IT consultants at all you know that they are driven by ROI, it is ROI that they use to justify their services, and in buildings this is no different. In what is probably the most valuable slide, John presented the ROI proposition that HP together with their partner Cisco have evolved in delivering ROI to building
BuilConn Europe 2005 Update ....IP-enabled gateways that talk XML and Web services, to IP-centric products such as servers, hosted services, BACnet Web Services, oBIX, to a great deal of discussion on IP-based standards As far as sponsors, most of the companies that have IP- and IT-based solutions are there, including Plexus, Tridium, Gridlogix and Richards Zeta. We also have the IT sector represented with companies like IBM, HP and Cisco either sponsoring the event or speaking at some high level. OASIS is organizing a standards track, ZigBee is conducting an Application Workshop, i&i Ltd from the UK is leading a track, LonMark is endorsing and sponsoring the event, the Industrial Ethernet Book is a new media sponsor, BACnet Russia is on board, as is IBG France, the IP User Group and HTNG (Hotel Technology Next Generation). This is in addition to the M2M partners, Harbor Research and e-Principles, as well as a new partner, Jakajima.
He not only makes news he creates his own laws Anto’s Connectivity Law: “The value of a piece of information is proportional to the number of uses that piece of information is connected to.”
Anto has been instrumental in the formation of oBIX and the connection to OASIS has helped BACnet take a market approach and has worked with LonMark to help them carry their message to his followers.
As you read this he is about to take his message beyond Europe to Asia with the first ever BuilConn in the fall in Singapore.
Please join us in congratulating Anto Budiardjo on achieving our first Newsmaker and Industry Shaker of the year award. Let him know that all of his efforts have not gone unnoticed.
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