May 2011 |
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BMS 2.0 Monetizing building services |
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true value of Building Management Systems is represented as an
intangible asset by almost 95% of our industry. Each of us, in
our industry, must have someone who can recognize the actual system
value. In most cases, that will mean that they can see through the
balance sheet beyond the value of the components! If they truly
understand the concept and what is achievable by today's connected and
integrated BMS, the road towards fast monetization will open instantly
as a real perspective of making the intangible capital visible, instead
of leaving it hidden within our facilities.
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Therefore, it will offer a lot of
benefits to users and professionals, by changing the business model
from the typical industrial economy to a knowledge economy model.
the real question is how to make this value visible. How to
monetize? For example, there was a time when food was just food, not
organic, GMO free, locally grown, grass feed... Today we are trying to
monetize food through labeling, and what really we are trying to do is to
make the invisible visible. BMS 2.0 will do the same
for the Building Management System market. It will create a different
business and technological model than the classical BMS systems.
Therefore, it will offer a lot of benefits to users and professionals,
by changing the business model from the typical industrial economy model to
a economic model.
We all are perfectly aware that the investors and banks like only what
is possible to be monetized instantly. However, it is known that the
companies and enterprises that are able to recognize larger systems can
create a business opportunity by that recognition. If we assume that
money is a social relationship not a technology, and anticipate that
money represents productivity, your productivity and my productivity, and
that there is for sure a certain conversion factor, we are really near
to a BMS 2.0 eco system.
We are bombed with information
by all media providers basically saying that we have passed our carrying capacity as a
civilization. Another side of the coin is that the general public feels
absolutely helpless to find a way out. Human production and
consumption patterns are no longer sustainable. The earth is
overheating! The whole eco system is in danger, and we just do not know
where to start. Numerous examples around the world prove that we can
imitate nature's designs within a production model. Nature perfected it
over millions of years by using the waste of one product as the input
for another. This kind of behavior will revolutionize industries. Consumption of such products will be a positive
action towards sustainability. The critical change happens when
we understand that we have to think about the earth as a conceptual
model which as an entity consists of systems and cycles.
Establishing our living environment as a set of global metabolite
profiles – we will actually start the 3rd industrial revolution!
We can see rating systems like Leadership in Energy & Environmental
Design, legislation directives like Energy Performance of Buildings
Directive (EPBD) which, in essence, force engineers to think
about the design of buildings in a very extended way. Among the
buildings, they have to count on the environment too. They have to make
our interventions into the eco system sustainable.
BrightCore was created following all these ideas. It is the
sustainability and monetizing what really makes it different from most
of the other BMS tools and frameworks today in the market. So, what is
sustainability within BrightCore? It is the possibility to use
various engineering products and the systems manufactured by different
vendors with different protocols as one entity without gateways,
sustaining the lowest possible financial entropy of the system as a
whole. That really changes the way we do the modernization of the
systems, as well as how we perform the speed of the process upgrades and
How the BMS 2.0 could help in
By destroying
the boundaries between unreal and real we are creating the
value. So what is real? It is data point values from the field as
well as services that we have to perform. What is unreal? It is the
ability to interact seamlessly with the systems and experts from
the internet infrastructure. Typically, monetization could be shown by
savings achieved through optimization of maintenance through usage of secure, manageable and reliable remote infrastructure.
In the integration of, for example 100 buildings, which are as an
illustration, sized around 20000 ft2 into one manageable system. We will
be able to achieve significant labor-hour cost reductions and in the
same time we will be able to have managed and monitored building
behavior by the experts who will be able to offer professional quality never before
for a fraction of the price to the building owners . We can say that we will for every $1000 spent for
maintenance-labor save at least $2000 per annum. That will give us a maximum of
two-year returns of investment. In the larger multi-building structures
there will be a lot of possible services that could be offered to the
users that will additionally extend our profitability matrix.
Engineers and Managers for years have been educated to fit into little
slots designed by the industrial age, called jobs. We are no longer
in the industrial age. We are living in a hybrid world to which we
must adapt. The challenge that lies before us is that we were trained
to follow instructions. Now, we must rewrite the instructions
themselves. So, what will we do? Will we write the instructions for the
world we are living in, or we will follow ones written for the
twentieth century? Therefore, the real issue is in understanding
that the old rule book no longer applies.
The BMS 2.0 frameworks should act as an organism with a possibility of harboring another organism within itself. Such an approach could be used to support new, sustainable intelligent facility market growth. The key model approach within BMS 2.0 frameworks has to be an open, networked ontologically designed platform, with the ability to talk seamlessly to most adopted building management protocols as well as to generally accepted ICT services. For example, Identity Management could use and communicate for instance, with LDAP and Radius services. This could help to share information streams with other building management service providers and to sustain an interaction with end-users in more scalable and efficient ways than we can imagine.
BMS 2.0
could be understood as a two-sided business model, delivering
value to and generating revenue from 3rd party service providers as
well as end-users. The two-sided business model will have significant
consequences for the design of existing building management services. Buildings will be able to sell their behavior
information to the service providers and the providers will be able to
sell management services to the buildings. All that will create
opportunities for new revenues as well as new Platform Services. We
are sure that in coming years this new type of business model will
deliver significant growth in annual revenues to a new breed of service
operators and in the same time dramatically enhance the value of the
industry as part of the wider digital economy. To realize this ambition
re-thinking of our organizational and technology structures will be a
must. Furthermore, we will have to re-think how we will
collaborate across the boundaries of a wider ecosystem. For the very
beginning we have to establish a social currency which includes among
others things, energy efficiency as well as energy sustainability as an
important part of the corporate management ecosystem.
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BMS 2.0: A new vision
resolve current BMS issues, learning from the structural changes
taken in other industries where vertical integration was weakened, will
be our first assessment. We will have to change priorities. We will
have to shift to revenue growth via wholesale and
business-to-business services, rather than just pushing the end user
BMS system installation revenue. We will have to establish a conduit
for business to customer (the buildings) interaction, rather than
just selling hardware and BMS software to the end users then leaving
them, until they decide to reconstruct the system.
We will have to treat customer data as a valuable by-product, not a
form of digital waste. And at the end, creation of a universal
service process platform performed across many industries, will
exchange competition between vertical services (e.g. Facilty
management, Security's management, Maintenance services,...) to
collaboration with the universal environment.
A new business model
future BMS industry structure comprises the following functions:
A business process platform
Organized for creation of BMS value-added services (BMS -VAS) will help
to extract more value from the customer data assets through
collaboration with a BMS service provider, and open the exchange
from invisible to visible. This service model will help in the
of a wide range of cost efficiency and effectiveness problems shifting
our intangible assets to tangibles by the simple concept of treating
customer data as a valuable by-product, not a form of digital waste.
BMS 2.0 could be enclosed within five cores as value-added services:
• Identity, Authentication & Security;
• BMS usage beyond building professional staff through BMS end user personalization;
• Customer data as a product & Biz Intelligence;
• BMS Service Sales;
• Customer Care & Servicing
Within the BMS 2.0 business model, we can assume that we will have
upstream and downstream customers. For the upstream customers, we are
assuming Developers, Governments, Media's companies, Telos, ASP-s. As
downstream customers we are assuming buildings, employees and building
owners. Most of the needed BMS 2.0 infrastructure are already built
into the BrightCore framework, and the rest is coming through in
chunks by facilitations through multi-building installations.
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