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AHR Expo 2013

Our Education Sessions at AHR Expo Dallas - 2013

Our Changing Industry and Connection Communities for BAS - PDF
Speakers - Jim Sinopoli & Ken Sinclair
Monday, Jan. 28, 9:00 – 10:00 am
Jim Sinopoli our contributing editor and I will discuss trends and directions that occurred since Chicago AHR Expo that are rapidly changing our industry.

Market Trends for Integrated and Intelligent Building Systems - PDF
Speakers - William Rhodes, Market Analyst, & Ken Sinclair
Monday January 28,  1:30 – 2:30 pm
An update on evolving market size, shape and general trends that are changing our industry. Wireless, cloud and deep integration and the change they bring will be discussed. We hope for a lively question and answer session after the presentation.

Community, Convergence, & Collaboration from Cloud Data for BAS. - PDF
Speakers - Jim Sinopoli & Ken Sinclair
Tuesday Jan. 29, 9:00 am
Jim and I will discuss how cloud connected smart phones and tablets are changing what folks expect to see as part of our products and services. We will discuss how the data we generate is being used and provide examples of real applications.

Why we need to be part of several Connection Communities - PDF
Ken Sinclair, Moderator with Various Industry Leaders
January 29th, from 2:00 - 3:30 pm.
Note Location Change - New Product & Technology Theater on Tuesday afternoon. Over the last several years organizations and groups have been extremely successful in connecting our industry with standards. The name “Connection Communities” has been attached to the purpose and function these organizations provide. I invite you to join us to learn about existing connection communities, and educate yourself to the advantage of being part of various communities.

Representatives from the traditional connection communities like BACnet, Lonmark, EnOcean, Niagara, etc., will each provide a 10 minute presentation with time for a few questions.

For further information on each of the sessions read below.

Session 1

Our Changing Industry and Connection Communities for BAS

Speakers - Jim Sinopoli & Ken Sinclair
Monday, Jan. 28, 9:00 – 10:00 am

As the publisher/editor of AutomatedBuildings.com it requires that I read and assemble many articles, interviews, news releases, and new products for the large building automation industry every month. This task allows me insight to make comments on trends and shifts in direction in the industry based on the rapidly evolving information published on our magazine/online resource.

My overall takeaway from AHR Expo 2012 Chicago was the growing importance of being part of several strong Open Connection Communities. Who we are connected to and the value they bring to our products and services defines who we are and likely who we are to become. Open Connection Communities will shape building automation’s future.

In our first session at AHR Expo 2013, Jim Sinopoli our contributing editor and I will discuss trends and directions that occurred since Chicago that are rapidly changing our industry.

We will set the stage for the next day session; “Why we need to be part of several Connection Communities?” An Education Session, Dallas AHR Expo 2013

AHR Expo and AutomatedBuildings.com have reserved the New Product & Technology Theater on Tuesday, January 29th, 2013 from 2:00 - 3:30 PM to have the industry’s leading connection communities tell you about themselves.

Session 2

Market Trends for Integrated and Intelligent Building Systems

Speakers - William Rhodes, Market Analyst, Building Technologies, Security & Fire IMS Research and Ken Sinclair
Monday January 28,  1:30 – 2:30 pm

Will and Ken will provide an update on evolving market size, shape and general trends that are changing our industry. Wireless, cloud and deep integration and the change they bring will be discussed. We hope for a lively question and answer session after the presentation.

Some insight from an interview with Rhodes and Sinclair;

Sinclair: What is current market size for smart building systems?

Rhodes: We forecast the Americas market for integrated and intelligent building systems will be worth more than $24 billion in 2012. However, only $1.1 billion of this is forecast to be for the highest level of integration of building systems where more than two building systems are integrated.

Sinclair: What are some of the benefits of integrated and intelligent buildings?

Rhodes: One of the key drivers for integrating building systems and making buildings more intelligent is the energy efficiency savings that can be achieved, particularly from the integration and installation of building automation systems and lighting control systems.

Another benefit is the operational efficiencies that can be achieved through installing integrated and intelligent solutions within buildings. For example, the human resources departments can use access control information to track billable hours.

Sinclair: Which types of buildings are using the highest levels of integrated building systems?

Rhodes: In the Americas, the two most highly integrated markets in 2011 for integrated and intelligent building solutions were education and healthcare buildings.

IMS Research forecasts increased adoption of integrated network equipment in the education sector over the next five years. Since 1996, the E-Rate in the US has allowed public and private K-12 schools and libraries to purchase discounted telecommunication services, internet access and closely associated wiring (networking). This widespread IT infrastructure means that as schools upgrade or purchase new systems, they are choosing IP systems as much of the infrastructure they require is already in place. Furthermore, the campus layout of schools, colleges and universities lends itself to the installation of network building systems.

Integrated and intelligent building systems is one way in which healthcare facilities can maximise energy efficiency, saving money in a time of budget cuts and austerity measures. Furthermore, hospitals are long-term users of their buildings and infrastructure; this enables them to install equipment that has longer payback periods. Many new healthcare projects integrate other systems such as: nurse call, infant abduction and paging systems.

We will also try to portray the impact of the wireless trend as well.  In 2011, wireless sensors accounted for just over 15% of the 21 million building automation sensors shipped in the EMEA and the Americas markets combined. The number of wireless sensors is forecast to increase to over 25% of total building automation sensors in EMEA and the Americas by 2015.

William Rhodes, Market Analyst at IMS Research comments, “The increasing traction for wireless building automation solutions is likely to be apparent at the upcoming AHR Expo show.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Session 3

Community, Convergence, & Collaboration from Cloud Data for BAS.

Speakers - Jim Sinopoli & Ken Sinclair
Tuesday Jan. 29, 9:00 am

It has never been clearer that the true convergence and anywhere collaboration that we all seek will be found in a cloud. The marriage of social media as data and its embedded human opinion will seamlessly mesh with real time data, shoulder to shoulder in large databases in a concept now being billed as Big Data or Data as a Service “DaaS”. To move to DaaS means that data—not applications—leads. That’s a significant shift in thinking. We need to adjust our focus to making sure our clients leverage data in the best ways possible to foster innovation

"Cloud computing to replace the personal computer as the ‘device’ of choice by 2014; something it has coined the ‘personal cloud’. The global analyst believes the personal cloud will begin a new era that provides users with a new level of flexibility with the devices they use for daily activities, while leveraging the strengths of each device, ultimately enabling new levels of user satisfaction and productivity. However, it will require enterprises to fundamentally rethink how they deliver applications and services to users."

Jim and I will discuss how smart phones and tablets are changing what folks expect to see as part of our products and services. We will discuss how the data we generate is being used and provide examples of real applications.

Session 4

Why we need to be part of several Connection Communities? An Education Session, Dallas AHR Expo 2013

Ken Sinclair, Moderator with Various Industry Leaders

AHR Expo and AutomatedBuildings.com have arranged centre stage for you, reserving one of the New Product & Technology Theaters on Tuesday, January 29th, 2013 from 2:00 - 3:30 pm. 

Over the last several years organizations and groups have been extremely successful in connecting our industry. The name “Connection Communities” has been attached to the purpose and function these organizations provide. I invite you to join us to learn about existing connection communities, and educate yourself to the advantage of being part of various communities.
Format: we have 90 minutes.  I will open with an overview of our objectives to introduce, educate and better define existing connection communities at the AHR show.

Representatives from the traditional connection communities like BACnet, Lonmark, EnOcean, Niagara, etc., will each provide a 10 minute presentation with time for a few questions.

Some extended connection communities and evolving new “want to be” communities will stress how important strong communities are to provide a base for growth.

I will then wrap up and chat about non industry connection communities that are having a huge effect on our industry, e.g. Google, Apple, etc.

It should be a fun event - like an ethnic culture and food fair in the park.

Please follow the introduction of some of these connection communities on our web site our October interviews and Andy McMillan's column A Vision for Connection Communities are a great start.

For more information on Connection Communities click here.




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