October 2013

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Automatically Smart Discussions on Linkedin 

Ken Sinclair, Publisher

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I posted last month's editorial Automatically Smart on several Linkedin Groups to make folks aware of the September issue with hopes of generating some dialog and I was successful with 34 comments on our group and several more on other groups.

You need to read the complete thread to get the full picture, but I have pulled some quotes to peak your interest and convince you it is well worth reading.

The Link to Linkedin disscussion

Interesting comments:
John Pitcher CEO Weber Sensors -I don't believe a "Smart Building" should be defined by any specific technology or even group of technologies. If we limit a definition by what we imagine today then we can be assured that today's "smart" will be tomorrow's "dumb".

Serge Neuman  Bioclimatic Facade Initiatives Program Director at SOMFY  Reading the comments, I have the feeling that something is missing: the fact that the key word in smart building should be BUILDING.

Winston Hetherington Owner, B.A.S.S. Consulting Services Specialist,  I like to keep things simple and this discussion regarding "Smart/Intelligent" has run its course. Just what is it that people expect when in or visiting such a building. How about "Maximum Benefit for Minimal Cost" (MBMC). Is this something that is readily seen or is it the comfort level enjoyed while in it's environment. Someone mentioned "healthfulness", is this a tangible attribute? Maybe not in short term but tenants working in the space could advocate this aspect. Health issues are usually required by building standards and by-laws, as such the subject is assumed and seldom talked about. Not being sick might be shown over a period of time but otherwise would not be evident.

Jim Sinopoli Managing Prinicpal, Smart Buildings  To many people smart buildings are an abstraction. Compare the approach to “green” buildings to smart buildings. When the industry and society wanted more energy efficient and sustainable buildings, we got LEED. The LEED idea was to provide some design guidance to architects and engineers as to what to consider and how to get results related to energy and sustainability

Bob Bittner Manager of Professional Services @ FacilityDude.com OK I have to jump in here:)  "Smart Buildings" have been around a long long time! The problem is we have dumb owners and operators and before you jump on my let me explain.

Glenn Remington Building systems & energy analysis  Bob - absolutely, in the absence of smarter building oeprators and operations (backed by leadership and budgets), smart buildings will still suffer from the same cost reduced PM and attention to detail related issues we all see on a daily basis now.

John Pitcher CEO Weber Sensors  All great comments and I would wager that all of us have seen the issues described and more. There is probably no cure but a well designed rating system where these issues become more pronounced and automatically detectable may help provided part of the criteria is persistence in maintaining the "smart" status.

I believe these things will help but realistically I'm not smart enough to know how well. To paraphrase a popular comedian "You can't fix stupid".

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Please jump into this great discussion at see how they can fix stupid....smile

Building Automation Monthly  Linkedin discussion

Harris Bynum Retired at From Honeywell  Years ago I represented Honeywell as a member of The Intelligent Buildings Institute. My first assignment was on the "Definition" Committee. Following is a current excerpt of their "Definition".
 There is a short history for the concept of intelligent building. It occurred initially in early 1980s. The definition of intelligent building has been evolving with different emphasis, mainly driven by the development of relevant technologies and the changing needs for the built environment. The short history is summarized below:

Dean Beech BAS/Controls at Trane  Intelligent Building should evolve with technology. Intelligence and technology are meaningless unless you take the infomation collected by the Building and develope stratagies to control the dynamic of the environment. Building owners need to make inventments in the people that operate the buildings to understand SYSTEMS. Drilling down on system performance (Fan pressure optimization, critical zone reset, chiller plant optimization, demand control ventilation, Demand limiting) is where the real comfort control, energy savings, and equipment life cycle have the most impact. I see a number of building BAS/FMS controls installations that are under-utilized or dumbed down to accomidate the operator. Investing in the people is as important as the technology.

Great discussions on other groups as well.  Let us know what you think "Automatically Smart and Intelligent" might mean on your group or write us an article or provide an interview to our magazine. We need to talk about this.




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