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2022 Las Vegas AHR Expo Educational Sessions

Free education sessions our 22nd year presenting at AHRExpo.com

Ken Sinclair
Founder, Owner, Publisher AutomatedBuildings.com

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The AHR Expo (International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition)  returned to Las Vegas Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 2022, after a forced cancellation in 2021 planned for Chicago. The highly anticipated 2022 Show was the industry’s first major in-person gathering following pandemic shutdowns. Registration was free and attendees encouraged to register early on ahrexpo.com. Show management is elated to sound the horn, “We’re back!”
“We are honored to welcome the HVACR community back for the first large-scale, in-person industry event,” said Mark Stevens, manager of AHR Expo. “It’s been a long road and we are ready to reignite the momentum that comes from collaborating at a live event. We understand the disappointment in last year’s forced cancellation and we are thrilled to once again host the Show that our industry partners value so much.”

The AHR Expo offered a total of 1,573 exhibitors, with 281 international exhibitors, occupying 443,769 sq. ft. of exhibit space in the Las Vegas Convention Center. More than 43,000 people preregistered to attend the show, including 130 media representatives.

AutomatedBuildings.com was extremely pleased to provide free education sessions at the Vegas show.

Without the support of Cochrane Supply & Engineering we would not been able to make these session happen. The industry thanks you.

Cochrane Supply & Engineering  has captured these sessions on YouTube links below

Opening Session: Navigating to Smarter Sustainable BAS

BAS Has Gone IP!

The Role of Data in Achieving Smarter Buildings: Making Data Interoperable with Haystack

Coalition for Smarter Buildings

Open Discussion for Open Future

Solving Skilled Labor Shortages in the Smart Building Industry

Day 1 Recap | MSI Best Practices: Platform Wars and Data Dynasties

Retrofitting for Net Zero: Decarbonization, Electrification and the Role of Smart Buildings

Building Systems Integration 101: Welcome to the Jungle

Smart Women, Smarter Buildings

Insights, Trends, Perspectives: An Open Conversation with Industry Influencers

Monday, January 31st, 2022 https://youtu.be/b8xgv5x5WgY


#1 Opening Session - Navigating to Smarter Sustainable BAS 9:30am to 10:30am

Host - Scott Cochrane & Ken Sinclair (Remote)  https://youtu.be/b8xgv5x5WgY

Join us for our opening educational session, the first of a collective 2-day discussion forum featuring panelists of principal industry-experts eager to share their insights and answer your questions on a range of industry specific and business development topics. During this commencement session we will pick-up right where we left off, examining the changes we've seen since the last Expo in Orlando back in February 2020 and the on-going journey toward smarter sustainability and the people & practices leading the transformation.
Hear from the perspective of our expert panelists on key industry trends as we navigate beyond 2021, with conversations including the refocus of our industry purpose(s), the impact & importance of collaboration, and the new roadmap to smarter sustainability in the BAS sector.

Hosts - Scott Cochrane & Ken Sinclair (Remote)

Panel – Brad White (remote), Marc Petock, Kimberly Brown



#2 BAS Has Gone IP! MSI Best Practices – OT Networks DEPLOYED  11:00am to 12:00pm:



BAS has gone IP! What does it mean for network architecture going forward? 

Systems Integrators configure, connect, and integrate the controls and systems integral to building operations. In the past decade, their role has evolved beyond just controlling the BMS to one that now involves distinguishing & converging IT and operational technology. Bridging the gap between these two worlds is no small task given the widely disparate cultural and technology requirements. 

Hear from our panelists of systems integrators, engineers, and end users eager to discuss recent projects from the summer, including designs with all-IP controllers, and the evolution of system architectures, new challenges faced, and new successes achieved along the way.

Host - Scott Cochrane 


Panel - John Guardiola, Sabine Lam (remote), Greg Fitzpatrick, Scott Papay


#3 The Role of Data in Achieving Smarter Buildings - and Haystack's Role in Making Data Interoperable  12:30pm to 1:00pm:

The Role of Data in Achieving Smarter Buildings: Making Data Interoperable with Haystack


Data has become a critical asset for the built environment. When captured, normalized, tagged, and analyzed, data can enable a true transformation on how we manage and operate our facilities. Accessing and making effective use of data from existing operational systems is a critical element of all smart building initiatives.

Today's increased access to data from equipment systems and a new generation of IoT devices presents new opportunities to improve the efficiency and sustainability of our facilities, however, having access to data is only the first step in making meaningful use of it. Capturing the meaning of our data and representing that meaning in a uniform way is the key to deriving benefit from facility and equipment data.

John Petze, Executive Director and Marc Petock, Executive Secretary of Project Haystack discuss the use of semantic tagging and its key role in making data interoperability across different systems and applications.  in determining what data is relevant, how to standardize it, how to give it common context, how to streamline it to unlock the data’s true value and how it enables a true transformation on the way we manage and operate buildings. The presentation will also provide an update on the latest work of the Project-Haystack.org.

Host - Marc Petock & John Petze


#4 Coalition for Smarter Buildings 1:30pm to 3:00pm:

Coalition for Smarter Buildings


The Coalition for Smarter Buildings (C4SB at ​​c4sb.org) is a newly formed organization of building technology thought leaders advocating for the broad deployment of smarter buildings as part of the Biden administration's climate, infrastructure, and workforce agenda. The coalition is now working with key Federal and state agencies and many non-government organizations in the industry to create a set of targeted education and tools to ensure consistent and effective deployment of smart technologies in public and private commercial buildings across the U.S.

In this session, founding members of the coalition will provide details of the coalition’s work to date, and its plans for 2022. Specifically, the panel will present the following:

The Smarter Stack, an open-source communication tool that models the products, technologies and companies working to deliver smarter buildings at scale.

Div 2525 Specification, an open-source and comprehensive Division 25 specification for building projects of all sizes and types. The panel will present a draft version of this work for comments.

A vision of a System-of-System approach for the future of interoperable smart building systems.

A new approach for how smarter building technologies can be procured by building owners, focusing on benefits during operation rather than just first-cost.

A comprehensive plan to develop skills necessary for the growing workforce required for the deployment of smarter building technologies at scale.

This is a not-to-be-missed session for professionals wanting to grow their smart building business, owners who want to specify and procure future-proof smart technology, and vendors wanting to deliver the right products to tap into the massive market being created by the timely Federal focus on smarter buildings.

Host - Anto Budiardjo

Panel – John Petze, Jim Lee, Rick Justis, Melissa Boutwell


#5 Open Discussion for Open Future  3:30pm to 4:30pm:

Open Discussion for Open Future


We will reignite the energy from our Orlando overflowing session speaking to Next Generation HVAC Controls: with a new Open Discussion for Open Future led by our young panelists who are committed to working with open systems.  There is a growing demand in the BAS industry for openness and compatibility with new open standards.  What has changed since last year? More open and near open database options plus more powerful open hardware and many more platforms to build on. We will update the discussion from last year's Session. Come with your questions and open solutions we will OPEN the discussion to the floor near the end of the presentation

Host - Brian Turner, Brad White (remote) 

Panel - Brad Calvin, Alper Üzmezler, Nicolas Waern (remote)



#6 Solving Skilled Labor Shortages in the Smart Building Industry  4:45pm to 5:45pm:

Solving Skilled Labor Shortages in the Smart Building Industry


Everyone is feeling the heat of labor shortages across the industry and our problem hasn't peaked yet.  Join us to learn what is working today and what you can do right now to protect your business.  If you are looking for solutions with measurable results, don't miss this session!

Host - Melissa Boutwell



2022 Las Vegas AHR Expo Educational Sessions

DAY 2 - Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

DAY 2 - Tuesday February 1st, 2022

Day 2 Kick-Off - Welcome Message, Day 1 Highlights

Day 1 Recap | MSI Best Practices: Platform Wars and Data Dynasties


9:00am to 9:30am  

Join us as we recap the discussions from our Day 1 sessions and gear up to dive right back into the conversation with even more expert panelists covering even MORE key industry topics.

Host - Scott Cochrane 

Panel - Ed Merwin, Chris Kulbago, Etrit Demaj, Alex Waibel


#1 MSI Best Practices - Platform Wars and Data Dynasties

Day 1 Recap | MSI Best Practices: Platform Wars and Data Dynasties


9:30am to 10:30am:

Join us as we recap the discussions from our Day 1 sessions and gear up to dive right back into the conversation with even more expert panelists covering even MORE key industry topics.

Aggregated… Normalized… Redistributed… and Secured… these are just some of the actions performed utilizing all the digital building data within a software platform. Acting as the glue all the while providing real-time control for mechanical and electrical systems. Join our host, Scott Cochrane, as he revisits the early successes from BAS Integrators back near the turn of the century, their evolving role within the BAS Sector and the market changes we’ve seen from the attention these platforms have drawn with the modern-day development of new capabilities at an astonishing rate. When it comes to master system integrators...do or do not, there is no try.

Host - Scott Cochrane 

Panel - Ed Merwin - Tridium, Chris Kulbago - RoviSys, Etrit Demaj - KODE Labs


#2 Retrofitting for Net Zero: Decarbonization, Electrification and the Role of Smart Buildings

Retrofitting for Net Zero: Decarbonization, Electrification and the Role of Smart Buildings



11:00am to 12:00pm:

Net-zero buildings are an essential piece of responding to the challenge of climate change, with existing buildings posing a particular challenge. Join this discussion around some practical strategies and case studies for making deep carbon reductions in existing buildings and the role that smart building technologies must play in this transition.

Host - Brad White (remote), Craig Stevenson

Panel - Mitch Reed (remote), Ruairi M. Barnwell, Paul Maximuk


#3 Building Systems Integration 101 – Welcome to the Jungle

Building Systems Integration 101: Welcome to the Jungle


12:30pm to 1:30pm:

What system integration can we commonly find within a large building and what does the roadmap look like to become an integrator? The discussion will include basic elements of successful integrations, common tools and capabilities utilized, business practices, and selling tips.  This interactive session will additionally build the foundation of understanding how digitized systems provide comfort, safety, and security for the building occupants and how integration is used to improve the occupant experience while increasing the capabilities of these systems.--

Host - Kimberly Brown 

Panel - Therese Sullivan


#4 Smart Women, Smarter Buildings

Smart Women, Smarter Buildings


2:00pm to 3:00pm:

What can be done to attract and retain more women as part of the shift toward data-driven, intelligent buildings? As buildings become more high-tech, how does our industry take steps to champion more gender equality and advance more women into leadership and mentorship positions? Our panel features women of diverse ages and roles in the smart building industry discussing the status quo and planning a way forward.

With women making up close to 50% of the population using buildings, why is it that women working with Smart Buildings comprise just a small percentage of the industry? What can be done to attract and retain more women as part of the shift toward data-driven, intelligent buildings? As buildings become more high-tech, how can both the men and women of our industry take steps to champion more gender equality and advance more women into leadership and mentorship positions? Attendees will enjoy our panel discussion and hearing from women of diverse ages and roles

Pulling More Women into the Ranks of Smart Buildings Leadership Therese Sullivan and panelists, Gina Elliott, Kimberly Brown, Erin Defrieze and more to be announced 

Privacy, cyber-security, health, there is so much at stake in our smart building industry, it just makes sense that you want a diverse selection of people making decisions about how our technology is evolving.  The people that work, learn, shop, eat, live and heal in built spaces are of all types.  Shouldn’t our industry reflect that? Yet, women working in Building Automation and HVAC Controls comprise just a small percentage of the industry. Why is this? And, what can be done to attract and retain more women as part of the big paradigm shift toward data-driven, intelligent buildings?

There will be a time in this session for making comparisons and exploring the status quo in our industry. But, more than that, let’s come together and plan a way forward.  As buildings become more high-tech, how can both the men and women of our industry take steps to champion more gender equality and advance more women into leadership and mentorship positions? You’ll enjoy our panel discussion and hearing from women of diverse ages and roles.

Host - Therese Sullivan 

Panel- Kimberly Brown, Erin Defrieze, Monica Calhoun (remote), Melissa Boutwell, Gina Elliot


#5 Insights, Trends, Perspectives: An Open Conversation with Industry Influencers

Insights, Trends, Perspectives: An Open Conversation with Industry Influencers


3:30pm to 4:30pm:

In this ninth annual Connection Community Collaboratory, Marc Petock leads an open conversation with industry influencers who will discuss a variety of subjects that are playing a role in making our built environment smarter and sustainable.

Topics to include the convergence of the operational experience with the workplace experience; what is driving the market---the technology side of the business side; EV; Water; ESG; Digital Twining; the entrance of new protocols; who is responsible for the occupant experience; how is the industry conversation is changing and more.

Host - Marc Petock 

Panel- TBD (Marc)


[ End of Day 2 - 4:30pm]


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