February 2007
News Release

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AutomatedBuildings.com Media Sponsor of GridWeek

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AutomatedBuildings.com an online magazine and resource for the large building automation industry is pleased and proud to be a media sponsor of GridWeek, Washington DC, April 23-26. http://www.gridweek.com/2007/default.asp

We believe that this first ever event will be of great significance to our industry and will create new paths for future interoperability with the electrical grid.

GridWeek a four-day gathering of grid modernization leaders in Washington provides our large building automation industry a great opportunity to be part of and better understand how we fit in to the Modernizing the US Electric Grid.

Of particular interest to our industry is the “Demand Response National Town Meeting” which will deal with Demand Response, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and the Environment – How are they intertwined. Our industry is an interactive part of all these issues and these discussions provide a tremendous opportunity for our industry’s growth.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] This quote was taken from an interview with Anto Budiardjo organizer of GridWeek

“Many of the solutions to the shortfall in electricity will come down to reducing demand especially at peak load times, and much of this will happen in buildings through building automation.”

We very much agree and invite our industry to come out to GridWeek to learn more and be part of this evolving opportunity.

For more insight please read the March article - The Automated Buildings Industry is ready, willing, and able to bring real GridWise solutions to GridWeek in Washington DC www.automatedbuildings.com/news/mar07/articles/ksin/070225030725ksin.htm 

www.AutomatedBuildings.com  is an online B2B trade magazine for the Large Buildings Automation Industry and is proud media sponsor of GridWeek.




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