February 2011
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Engineers Choose OptoEMU Sensor for Energy Monitoring

Control Engineering Readers Recognize Opto 22's Out-of-the-Box Energy Monitoring Appliance for its Technological Advancement and Market Impact

Temecula, CA - February 23, 2011 - Engineers in the automation and control industry clearly find value in a simple, low-cost energy monitoring solution that helps them cut costs. Opto 22's OptoEMU Sensor-an energy monitoring and data acquisition appliance that gathers building and machine energy usage data for presentation online-has won Control Engineering's prestigious Engineers' Choice Award.

Primarily designed for facilities and maintenance personnel, building owners, plant managers, and others tasked with their organization's energy management responsibilities, the OptoEMU Sensor lets commercial and industrial customers acquire power consumption data from facility systems, machines, equipment and metering devices in real time and with minimal configuration. Using standard, IP-based wired or wireless communications interfaces, the Sensor can deliver energy data to standard SQL databases, Web-based applications like Google PowerMeter and Pulse Energy's Pulse(tm), or Opto 22's free PAC Project(tm) software. This effectively gives customers the visibility and information they need to quickly understand their energy usage, pinpoint problems, and reduce costs.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]In this year's Control Engineering Engineers' Choice Awards, the OptoEMU Sensor was recognized for its technological advancement and market impact as a data acquisition product in the "Network Integration" category. The selection is Opto 22's tenth such award from Control Engineering, including honors for its SNAP PAC Wired+Wireless(tm) controller and its intelligent I/O for Allen-Bradley Systems (IO4AB). All of this year's winners will be showcased in the print and digital editions of the February issue of Control Engineering, as part of the cover story. For more information, go to http://www.controleng.com/awards.

About Opto 22
Opto 22 develops and manufactures hardware and software for applications involving industrial automation and control, remote monitoring, and data acquisition. Opto 22 products use standard, commercially available networking and computer technologies, and have an established reputation worldwide for ease-of-use, innovation, quality, and reliability. Opto 22 products are used by automation end-users, OEMs, and information technology and operations personnel in over 10,000 installations worldwide. The company was founded in 1974 and is privately held in Temecula, California, USA. Opto 22 products are available through a global network of distributors and system integrators. For more information, contact Opto 22 headquarters at www.opto22.com.


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