
February 2019
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Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Completion of J2 Innovations Project

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Results of project indicate potential of automated commissioning in commercial buildings

DENVER (Jan. 29, 2019) — The Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN2), a technology  incubator and platform funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and co-administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), today announced the conclusion of a joint project with J2 Innovations, a leading software framework provider for building automation and IoT. The project resulted in the advancement of J2 Innovation’s technology designed to reduce the energy impact on the built environment.

Together, J2 Innovations and IN2 collaborated on prototyping a potential fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) application for the FIN Framework. J2’s FIN (Fluid INtegration) Framework is a software solution to operate, monitor, and control equipment for commercial buildings. NREL researchers provided guidance and advanced sequences that run on J2’s technology, to enable a greater number of buildings to benefit from advanced applications that create sustainable energy savings.

J2 Innovations technology allows original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to speed their time-to-market, system integrators to reduce labor and time required to design and commission building automation systems, and building owners and facility managers to save operating and energy costs.

Earlier this year, J2 Innovations was acquired by Siemens Building Technologies. Siemens is a great example of OEM companies that J2 Innovations has helped bring new products to market faster. FIN is used in more than 20 countries with thousands of installations globally.

About the Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator (IN2)

[an error occurred while processing this directive]IN2 is a $30 million clean-technology incubator and platform funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation. Co-administered by and housed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, IN2’s mission is to speed the path to market for early-stage, clean-technology entrepreneurs. Companies selected for participation in the program receive up to $250,000 in non-dilutive funding from Wells Fargo, technical support and validation from experts at NREL’s facilities, and the opportunity to beta-test at a Wells Fargo facility or with a strategic program partner. Launched in 2014 with an initial focus on supporting scalable solutions to reduce the energy impact of commercial buildings, IN2 expanded its focus in 2018 to support innovation in sectors such as transportation, food systems, energy storage, and others with the ultimate goal of fostering smart and connected communities of the future.

About J2 Innovations

J2 Innovations is a technology leader in building and IoT related software. With its powerful and open FIN framework software, users can operate, monitor and control equipment and automation systems in small to large buildings. J2 provides its software framework to OEMs, system integrators, resellers, installers, and end-users. This means FIN Framework can be found in the software systems of many leading players in the building automation market.


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