Press Release - Jan 14, 2000
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Atlanta, GA, Redmond, WA, Vancouver, BC, and Boston, MA - More than 30 companies are showcasing "BACnet in Action" with a live demonstration at the 2000 International Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Exposition in Dallas, Texas. The number of participants has nearly tripled from last year, reflecting the growing amount of companies manufacturing BACnet products and the growing desire for interoperability solutions by building owners and engineers.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] The participants for this year's live demo include manufacturers of various equipment, such as building automation controls, lighting controls, fire alarm systems, laboratory controls, VAV controllers, air handling units, chillers and variable speed drives. Companies include Alerton Technologies, American Automatrix, Automated Logic, Cimetrics, Delta Controls, Dunham-Bush, Eutech Cybernetics, Innovex Technologies, Lithonia Lighting, Metalaire, Nara Controls, Phoenix Controls, Teletrol Systems, Simplex Time Recorder, and Tridium.

Besides the wide spectrum of equipment, there are also different networking technologies displayed, including Ethernet, ARCNET, MS/TP and PTP. All of this interoperability is accomplished through the use of native BACnet communications and illustrates the true flexibility that integrated building automation solutions offer the end user. BACnet, an industry standard communications protocol for building automation and control networks, can be found in thousands of installations and is now being implemented by over 40 manufacturers, according to the official BACnet web site.

"Once again, the best way to demonstrate the true interoperability offered by BACnet is with a live demo," noted Gerry Hull, president of Automated Logic. "Just looking at the number of participants compared to last year shows that manufacturers are realizing BACnet is here to stay and it's the best solution for the customer and ultimately for the whole industry."

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