June 2004
News Release

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Leading Associations, Alliances and Publications to Actively Support Net-atHome™2004

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Sophia Antipolis, France - Homega Research is very proud today to announce the support of Net-atHome™2004, the premier & largest international Conference and Exhibition covering the Connected Home markets, by leading industry associations and alliances, and by leading specialised publications.

Net-atHome™2004, December 1 & 2, Palais de la Méditerranée, Nice – France, is the 7th edition of the event annually hosted by Homega Research and targeting organizations and industry associations already active in the field of Home Networks and Gateways, Connected Appliances and Integrated Services, or interested in penetrating European or worldwide markets in this field.

Net-atHome™ brings together manufacturers from different sectors (white goods, computer and consumer electronics, energy, telecoms, etc.), service companies (energy utilities, telecom operators, watercos, cablecos, etc.), companies specializing in multimedia content, silicon and component manufacturers, software companies, integrators, state research laboratories, business angels, etc.

Throughout the years, the Conference/Exhibition has become recognized as the key event organized in the field of Connected Home Markets as underlined by Homega’s Research CEO, Roger Torrenti: "I would say there is a benchmark for measuring the status and trends of the market for the Connected Home in Europe and around the world : our Net-atHome event."

The following leading associations and alliances active in the Connected Home field are bringing this year their valuable support to Net-atHome™2004:  BCDI (Belgian Centre for Domotics and Immotics) :: CABA (Continental Automated Buildings Association) :: CEDOM :: CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) :: DHWG (Digital Home Working Group) :: EU IPv6 TF :: HAVI (Home Audio Video interoperability) :: Internet Home Alliance :: IPv6 Forum :: Konnex Association :: LonMark :: OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) :: TAHI (The Application Home Initiative) :: UIC (UPnP™ Implementers Corporation) :: WiFi Technology Forum :: WiMedia Alliance :: ZigBee Alliance

For more details, visit <www.net-athome.com/supporting_associations.html>

The following media partners dedicated to the promotion of the Connected Home Field are also involved this year in the success of Net-atHome™2004 : Automated Buildings :: Domotica :: Hidden Wires :: Home Toys

For more details, visit <www.net-athome.com/supporting_publications.html>

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