June 2012
News Release

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Modbus to BACnet Made Easy

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B6030 - BACnet Interface to Energy Meters

Do you have Modbus Energy meters that you would like to integrate into your BACnet Energy Management System?

As more and more customers are implementing an Energy Management System, they often times run into problems where the end devices are communicating using the Modbus protocol and the Energy Management system is communicating using BACnet. In this situation, you will not be able to integrate the Modbus Meters into the Energy Management system until you have implemented a BACnet interface to Energy meters.

Designing such an interface by customers themselves is not only expensive but a time consuming task and requires a deep understanding of both the protocols involved.

The following steps need to be completed:

•    Identifying the Modbus data for each Modbus device that you would like to integrate
•    Mapping of the Modbus data to the appropriate BACnet Object type
•    Defining the Properties for each BACnet Object
•    Finally, uploading this mapping into a device that will be acting as the interface

Not only will you need to do this, you will have to repeat it for each Modbus device that you would like to integrate. This is an expensive and time consuming task. Making any mistake will result in unintended or unexpected results. To overcome all the above problems, Cimetrics has introduced the B6030 - BACnet Interface to Energy Meters.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Using this is easy as a snap and does not involve personnel with any knowledge of BACnet or Modbus. Configuring this device takes about two to three minutes and involves the following:

•    connecting up to four Modbus meters to the B6030 (you ONLY need to know the name and model of your meter)
•    logging into the B6030
•    choosing your meter that you will be connecting to from the drop down list
•    saving your settings

Done ! Now you have successfully integrated four of your Modbus meters into the Energy Management system. They will be represented as BACnet Objects!

This is a very easy and cost efficient method requiring no more than just a few minutes.

If you do not see your meter in the drop down list, contact Cimetrics and we can add it for you!

This B6030 is also available for integrating larger number of Modbus Devices and is called the B6035.

For more information, please visit the Cimetrics website.
•    B6030 - BACnet Interface to Energy Meters
•    B6035 - BACnet Interface to Energy Meters (High Capacity)

If you have questions or require additional information, please send an email to support@cimetrics.com


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