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NEWS BRIEFS - Updated March 18th
Tridium™ Inc. Announces Compatibility with National Association of Food Equipment Manufacturer’s Data Protocol version 1.2
Richmond, VA., – Tridium Inc. a leading provider of Internet-enabled, automation software infrastructure and enterprise applications, announced enhancements to its core technology software product, the Niagara Framework, enabling full support for the National Association of Food Equipment Manufacturer’s data protocol version 1.2. The NAFEM Data Protocol has been established to govern data exchange between Food Service equipment and computer based servers as part of an industry wide effort to define and develop the concept of the on-line or “networked” kitchen. With the inclusion of support for the NAFEM Data Protocol, Niagara now provides a robust environment for developing and implementing “Smart” kitchen applications into a broad array of restaurant and commercial food service operations.
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Additional information about Tridium is available at
CABA's Energy Management Summit for Intelligent Buildings
June 3, 2003, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL
Early Bird Registration ends April 15!
Your Information Source for Home & Building Automation.
The Seventh Annual CONNECTIONS™ Conference May 7-9, 2003 The Fairmont San Jose
Keynote Speakers:
Louis Burns Vice President, Intel Corporation Co-General Manager, Desktop
Platforms Group
Kevin Corbett Director, Marketing and Strategic Planning Desktop Platforms Group
Intel Corporation
Kevin Eagan General Manager Windows eHome
Division Microsoft Corp.
Henry Juszkiewicz Chairman and CEO Gibson Labs
For more information visit
Third International Short Course - Sustainable Building and Urban Design
8 September - 3 October 2003 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The course is led by the Sustainable Building Support Centre at the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam The Netherlands, in co-operation with iiSBE. For details, see
Philips iPronto - the dashboard for the digital home - uses ProSyst`s mBedded Server OSGi service platform
Philips iPronto earned the Best of Innovation Award at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.
Cologne 03/10/2003 - Philips revolutionizes control of home cinema and home automation products with iPronto, a wireless home control panel for the connected home. Implementing ProSyst's OSGi-certified service delivery platform, mBedded Server, the awarded iPronto provides consumers with a versatile solution to control home theatre as well as the increasing number of electronic home automation products.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Real-time Performance Management – ARC Advisory Group’s Upcoming Conference for Industry Leadership
Dedham, Massachusetts; Real-time Performance Management (RPM) is the next frontier in Operational Excellence. RPM uses dynamic performance targets to lead an organization to optimum potential and competitive advantage. Industry leaders will share their experiences with RPM solutions at the upcoming Forum by ARC Advisory Group. This upcoming Forum will spotlight thought leading strategies and technologies for a successful manufacturing enterprise. The ARC Forum “Real-time Performance Management: The Next Frontier in Operational Excellence” is in Boston, Massachusetts on June 25-27, 2003.
ASHRAE IAQ Conference
ASHRAE and the IAQ 2004 Steering Committee would like to invite you to be a participant in the upcoming ASHRAE IAQ Conference titled Critical Operations: Supporting the Healing Environment through IAQ Performance Standards. The aim of this conference is to focus on the challenges and opportunities that present themselves in designing, operating and maintaining an indoor environment that not only supports but also enhances the mission of healthcare institutions. The conference will be held concurrently with the American Society of Healthcare Engineers' (ASHE) International Conference and Exhibition on Health Facility Planning, Design, and Construction in Tampa, Florida on March 15-17, 2004. If you would like to submit a 200-300 word abstract (due May 1, 2003), or for general information, please visit the IAQ '04 Conference website:
Opto 22 Announces SNAP Ultimate I/O(tm) Learning Center
Company to Offer Self-Paced Learning on Award-Winning Remote Monitoring, Control, and Data Acquisition System
Temecula, CA - - Opto 22, a manufacturer and developer of hardware and software for industrial automation, remote monitoring, and enterprise data acquisition applications, has announced the development of the SNAP Ultimate I/O Learning Center, a fully-functional, complete set of Opto 22 hardware and software that provides all the tools needed to learn and train with Opto 22's SNAP Ultimate I/O system.
Engineered Systems' and's April issues will include a supplement on Building Automation Convergence.
This joint effort by ES and, written by Tom Hartman and Ken Sinclair, is intended to inform the industry about the many sides of convergence. The 5700+ word document is a follow up to the joint effort with ES in their August issue entitled "A Guide to Web -Based Facility Operation".
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The April supplement
includes two perspectives: "Identifying the
Complex Components of Convergence" Ken Sinclair,,
"Convergence: What Is It, What Will It Mean, And
When Will It Happen?" Tom Hartman, Principle, The Hartman Company.
Watch for it coming in the April issues of ES in print and online at
Sustainable Building Conferences
Recent meetings in Rotterdam, Tokyo and Osaka focused on the organization of a series of international sustainable building conferences, to be held in 2004 and 2005.
The conference series will consist of a series of 5 regional conferences to be held in 2004 in Central Europe, Africa, Latin America, China and South-East Asia. These events will be linked to a major international SB conference, to be held in Tokyo in 2005. All these events are being developed in close cooperation with CIB (The International Council for Research and Innovation), the international research organization, and with local organizations.
The purpose of the series of events is to produce detailed action plans for the rapid implementation of sustainable building agendas in the participating countries.
Control Valve Market to Reach Nearly $3.5 Billion by 2008
Dedham, Massachusetts; February, 27, 2003: The worldwide Control Valve market, which totaled almost $3 billion in 2002, will reach almost $3.5 billion by the end of 2007, expanding at a Cumulative Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of just over 3 percent, according to a new study by the ARC Advisory Group.
Even as the replacement and upgrade market grows, an opportunity is also emerging for control valve suppliers to enhance their service revenues by leveraging their skills in offering maintenance, repair, and upgrade services. The notion of intelligent automation, which started at the supervisory level, has become pervasive at the final control element level. This is helping suppliers expand the control valves, actuators, and positioners (CVAP) market by meeting the hitherto unfulfilled needs of users to better control their processes. With users seeking to maximize the returns from their plant assets through Real-time Production Management (RPM) strategies and optimize their maintenance spending through Plant Asset Management (PAM) strategies, there is an increasing interest in intelligent CVAP assemblies.
Further information on this study can be found at:
Conservation Logger
That Monitors Light Intensity, Temperature and Moisture
ACR Conservation Logger Monitors Parameters Which Affect the Life of
Surrey, BC - ACR Systems has added the Conservation Logger to its list of available products. In addition to channels for temperature and relative humidity, this data logger includes two channels coupled with two highly accurate light intensity sensors that measure both visible and UV light. The Conservation Logger is an electronic recording device designed to measure the key environmental factors which affect the life of artifacts. It comes with a red LED warning light that alerts museum staff if light, temperature or relative humidity reach the danger limits. The Conservation Logger offers an optional dial out system that sends a signal to a beeper via a modem, cellular modem or radio frequency, alternatively, another unit allows you to access the logger anywhere in the world via a LAN Ethernet system.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Pragmatic Improves Popular TPA System
Santa Clara, CA.- Pragmatic's TPA -Twisted pair audio system now features metal shielding and new advanced circuitry that prevents the potential for noise that could be incurred from outside sources. The TPA is a very simple to use system that consists of a powered sending unit (very small, just 2 1/4 inches by 1 1/2 inches by 1 inch) and a receiving unit of the same size. The TPA pair can transmit up to 3000 feet. In-between the 3000 feet the TPA can be daisy-chained as many times as you need, allowing for sound transmission to many speakers on the same Cat5 cable. The system uses advanced circuitry that eliminates ground-loops, distortion, and interference of any kind. This is an excellent solution for sending a high-quality line level signal to powered speakers throughout a house, a restaurant, a shopping center, or any other application that requires a line-level signal over large distances.
Precidia Technologies
and Emergin Partner to a Provide Serial-to-IP Solution
Cost effective connectivity solution to IP-enable text messaging
Ottawa, Canada - Precidia Technologies Inc. and Emergin announced a strategic alliance to provide a simple, cost-effective IP enabling solution to Emergin's WirelessOffice software package and SpectraLink's Open Application Interface (OAI) program, providing centralized broadcast text messaging capability direct to wireless telephones.
Teletrol Welcomes New Director of Channel Sales
Manchester, New Hampshire – Teletrol Systems Inc., an industry leader in building automation technology, announced today that Ernest Conrad has joined Teletrol as a Director of Channel Sales. Mr. Conrad brings 25 years of experience in energy management and project engineering to Teletrol. Formerly with Perot Systems Corporation, Conrad was involved with Teletrol as a consultant where he sold, managed, and oversaw the installation of Teletrol Integrator controllers in over 80 Wyndham Hotels across the United States.
Net-atHomeTM Trip 2003
Homega Research announces its 9th tour program to the US offering European & Asian Companies a comprehensive overview of the North-American Connected Home markets.
A Study Trip to North America hosted from May 4 to 9 - Focusing on Technologies & Services for the Home - Organized by Homega Research, a division of Sigma Consultants - A dedicated web site: <>
[an error occurred while processing this directive]The Digital Home Value Chain: 2003 Parks Associates’ 2003 Workshops
Parks Associates has packed its latest research findings in a one-day workshop that covers a great many aspects of the digital home value chain. This interactive seminar, with three leading industry analysts, gives the latest insights into emerging technology fields, including: Broadband; Home and Public Networks (hotspots); Telecommunications; Digital Entertainment and Multimedia Networks; Residential Gateways; Consumer Electronics; Content; and Value-added Services. March 27, 2003 Renaissance Hotel Dallas, TX.
India's Oldest Power Provider Goes High-Tech with Power Measurement
VICTORIA, BC - Tata Power Company Limited (TPCL), India's oldest and largest private generating and distributing company, has upgraded its Jojobera Power Plant with an ION(R) enterprise energy management system from Power Measurement. Located in Jamshedpur, the automated Jojobera Power Plant distributes the bulk of its 300-megawatt power to nearby industrial customers such as Tata Steel, and occasionally sells excess electricity to other power distributors. To maximize the benefits of a recent expansion, Tata Power installed a network of 45 ION intelligent energy meters at all key generation and distribution points. High-accuracy energy meters were chosen to monitor each feeder and, through fault recording, improve reliability and reduce power outages across the facility. ION Enterprise(TM) software was installed to provide an overall picture of the net power exported, and the auxiliary power consumed by the utility.
Echelon's LONWORKS® Technology Internet Demo
The purpose of this demo is to provide an interactive vehicle for you to experience the power of LONWORKS control technology. You can interact with a live LONWORKS network at Echelon's headquarters in San Jose, California.
Control networks extend the reach of the Internet and intranets beyond computers to include everyday devices like switches, dimmers, thermostats and many others. Seamless networking no longer needs to be limited to just computers.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]BACnet Approved As International Standard
CHICAGO -- BACnet®, the building controls standard from ASHRAE, will be published as an international and European standard. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2001, BACnet -- A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks, will be published as international standard ISO 16484-5 and as European standard EN/ISO 16484-5. Read More
Roche Molecular Diagnostics selects Johnson Controls
MILWAUKEE - Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., d/b/a Roche Molecular Diagnostics, awarded a $4.6 million contract to Johnson Controls, Inc. for building systems and services at the company's growing manufacturing facility in Branchburg, N.J. Among the systems to be installed is a fully validated security system that complies with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Title 21 CFR Part 11 regulation for electronic records and signatures. In addition to the security system, the contract includes the installation of closed-circuit television, a new fire alarm system, and Metasys* for Validated Environments (MVE), which is a Part 11 compliant building automation system (BAS).
For more information on Johnson Controls, Inc., visit the company's web site at
LOYTEC's new Web Appearance
Our products are presented clear and in a new style. The dual language support lets you choose between English and German pages. The brand new download section holds datasheets, user manuals, installation sheets, the latest firmware version, application notes, and text for RFPs for the selected product. The News pages inform about events at LOYTEC as well as new product introductions and new firmware versions for current products. Ordering over the web becomes much easier with our new order section.
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