May 2008
News Release

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Self-powered EnOcean-enabled Wireless Hotel Key Switch Energizes Power Conservation Efforts

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[Cottonwood Heights, UT] Echoflex Solutions Inc. <> , a leading manufacturer of EnOcean-enabled controls <> , is releasing a self-powered wireless key switch. The one-of-kind switch is activated by hotel key cards and not only promises to reduce the cost of powering unoccupied hotel rooms; it also promises to simplify the process of conforming to ASHRAE/IESNA standard 90.1. The standard requires that hotel rooms feature an occupancy-based master control.

The self-powered switch generates its own power each time a hotel key card is inserted into or removed from its dock. When a guest enters a room, they insert the key card into a docking station. After the key card is inserted, a radio signal is transmitted to a controller that subsequently “energizes” the hotel room. When the key card is removed from its dock, another signal is sent that activates a time delay before disabling or setting back power-consuming amenities (lights, HVAC, etc.).

[an error occurred while processing this directive] By reducing the amount of energy exhausted on lighting, heating and cooling unoccupied rooms; hotel owners can reduce energy consumption up to 40 percent. When factoring lower power bills, the hotel can recoup initial installation costs in less than four years. Architects and contractors can now modernize a hotel without running wires to the controls. No special wiring or networking expertise is required. The switch is easily programmed to the controller and the time delay can be adjusted in 30, 60, 90 and 120 second increments.

Echoflex, located in Squamish, British Columbia, manufacturers EnOcean-enabled wireless switches, sensors and controllers designed to reduce energy consumption for lighting, HVAC and process control. The products are easily installed, programmed and maintained. Solutions also minimize the use of wiring and eliminate the use of batteries, their disposal costs and the embodied energy of their production ( <> ).

EnOcean, the inventor of self-powered radio modems, couples micro power generators with ultra-low power radio modules. EnOcean modules operate inside self-powered wireless sensors and switches. EnOcean-enabled solutions are ideally suited for building automation, lighting, automated meter reading and environmental applications. The company is a spin-off of Siemens AG. U.S. operations are based in Salt Lake City, Utah ( <> ).



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