May 2008
News Release

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Retailer Energy Alliance Supplier Summit Being Co-Hosted by ASHRAE

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ATLANTA – A summit to identify the energy efficiency needs of retailers and challenge suppliers of HVAC&R, lighting and related equipment to find ways to meet those needs is being held June 5 by a newly formed Retailer Energy Alliance (REA).

The Retailer Energy Alliance Supplier Summit will open dialogue between retailers and suppliers. It takes place June 5 at the Marriott Denver West, in Golden, Colo. The summit will be held 1-5 p.m., with a reception following.

The Retailer Energy Alliance, whose steering committee is made up of ASHRAE, , Best Buy, Food Lion, Home Depot, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Kohl’s, McDonald’s, Safeway, Target, Wal-Mart and Whole Foods Market, is aimed at promoting the use of energy-efficient technologies and management practices for retail operations. The U.S. Department of Energy coordinates and supports REA programs and initiatives and provides technical expertise through its national laboratories.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] To achieve its goal, the Alliance is holding the summit to encourage sharing of information on technologies that reduce energy use and environmental impact, such as lighting and refrigeration systems, HVAC, food service equipment and building controls.

“The summit is a unique event to learn about challenges that prevent retailers from utilizing a cost-effective, energy-efficient strategy for their operations and to begin a dialogue to find opportunities to meet those challenges,” Don Colliver, ASHRAE’s representative on the Alliance, said.

Equipment manufacturers and retailers who wish to attend must register by June 2 at Due to space constraints, no more than four people from each supplier may attend. More information on the REA may be found at  or by contacting Teri Davis, ASHRAE,

ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is an international organization of some 50,000 persons. ASHRAE fulfills its mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education.



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