May 2010
News Release

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Electronic Pressure Independent Valve (ePIV) from Belimo

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ePIV - Energy Efficient Valve for Green Design

The ePIV is a two-way valve which is unaffected by pressure variations in a system. The ePIV directly measures flow by combining a magnetic flow meter and a 2-way control valve. The actuator has a powerful algorithm that modulates the control valve to maintain the flow setpoint set by the controller. The flow reading is reported back to the controller using a standard signal, and this value can be used by the Building Automation System to perform advanced control and energy strategies.

The ePIV ranges in size from 2½” to 6”. The 2½” and 3” will be available as of April 5, 2010 and the 4”, 5”, and 6” will be released in August 2010. The ePIV complements the existing line of PICCV to offer a complete range of Belimo pressure independent valves.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Pressure independent valves can be used to regulate flow through air handlers, heating and cooling coils, fan coil units, unit ventilators and VAV re-heat coils. The features of the ePIV are:
- Constant flow regardless of pressure variations in the system, performing a continual balancing function to maintain system performance at varying loads.
- Stainless steel characterizing disc standard – superior material for a wide range of media as well as durable for long lasting performance.
- No maintenance required.
- Simplified valve sizing and selection, no Cv calculations required.
- 5 year warranty.
- Real flow measured and provided as feedback using a standard signal (0-10 VDC).
- High stability across the whole load range.
- Constant flow performance significantly reduces actuator movement, providing less hunting and wear on the valve assembly.
- Magnetic flow sensor, no maintenance required and no moving parts.
- No strainer required at the terminal unit.
- Accuracy is not affected by temperature or media, up to 50% glycol.

ePIV Applications
ePIV valves directly control the water flow required by the coil and are not affected by pressure fluctuations in the system. The valves are selected based on the GPM requirements of the coil and no Cv calculations are needed. By precisely controlling the flow, the ePIV valves eliminate the need for balancing valves, thus reducing the installation and balancing cost. The ePIV eliminates overflow thru the coil thus saving energy for the building owner. Overflow wastes energy by over pumping and is the main cause of the low Delta T syndrome in chilled water systems.

ePIV is used to regulate flow through air handling, heating and cooling coils, fan coil units, unit ventilators and VAV re-heat coils.

For more information visit


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