September 2010
News Release

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Parking Garage Energy Reduction With Advanced Lighting Control System

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Encelium Technologies offers an advanced energy management system to drive commercial parking lighting energy saving. Encelium’s Energy Control System™ (ECS) can secure large energy savings with a relatively modest investment.

Online PR News – 16-September-2010 – Encelium Technologies offers an advanced lighting energy control system which is an ideal solution for parking garages.

When considering energy savings, inhabited spaces like offices and homes are often the focus of energy savings measures. Parking garages are often not thought as an opportunity for energy savings. However, energy use in parking garages is shockingly high with lighting systems typically running 24/7.

“Lighting is a major component in energy management as it can account for 20 to 50% of electricity use in commercial buildings.” said Tony Marano, president and CEO of Encelium. “A key factor to consider for parking garages is safety. ECS deploys six energy management strategies allowing for lighting energy savings of 50-75% without jeopardizing lighting quality.”

[an error occurred while processing this directive] ECS seamlessly integrates and simultaneously deploys six energy-management strategies facility-wide. These include personal controls, task tuning, daylight harvesting, smart time scheduling, occupancy sensing and load shedding. As the most advanced lighting control solution for commercial buildings, ECS typically meets or exceeds today’s energy codes and sustainability goals for new or existing office buildings. Designed to reduce lighting-related energy costs by 50 to 75 percent, the system also contributes between 12 to 18 points, depending on the application, toward achieving the coveted U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED).

Encelium’s Energy Control System™ (ECS) is the most advanced lighting control solution on the market. ECS reduces lighting energy consumption as well as energy costs at a faster rate than other environmental measures and has an average payback on investment of two to five years. Since the company’s founding in 2001, ECS has been installed in more than 30 million square feet of commercial space across North America and Europe. The company has experienced tremendous growth, posting a 200 percent annual increase during the last two years.

For more information about Encelium visit



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