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Minicom Introduces New Version of Remote Access Management Solution at INTERFACE 2010

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Ideal for cloud environments, AccessIT™ Enterprise Edition enables large organizations to organize and manage the many remote access protocols that make up today's data centers

Minicom Advanced Systems, a leading developer of IT infrastructure access, control, and management solutions for data centers, announced today that they are introducing an Enterprise Edition of their remote access management platform, AccessIT™, at INTERFACE 2010, Denver, Colorado, on October 7th. AccessIT provides IT staff with an easy-to-operate web interface for running and managing the multiple remote access protocols needed to maintain their servers, switches, firewalls, routers and other IT components. With AccessIT, IT managers enjoy a “single pane of glass” view of their IT infrastructure and access methods (power, serial, KVM, and software access services), enabling quick, easy access and control.

AccessIT Enterprise Edition is a perfect fit with cloud environments, businesses with remote branches, testing labs with a large number of servers and simultaneous remote users, large, "lights-out" data centers where remote access is the only means of accessibility, and any organization that relies heavily on IT uptime. Designed to meet the needs of large organizations, AccessIT Enterprise Edition can accommodate more than 250 servers and network devices, and more than 10 users.

"With an increasing number of companies adopting some kind of cloud computing as part of their IT strategy, remote access management is critical,” said David Zucker, Director, Business Development, Minicom. “By definition, cloud environments are remote, and cloud administrators, whether for an internal cloud or for a MSP providing the cloud service, must use remote tools to support the cloud infrastructure. AccessIT, with its open platform architecture, answers the need for secure, efficient remote access management of a wide range of tools.”

Visit Minicom at INTERFACE 2010, Denver Marriott, Colorado, October 7th, at Proactive Network Management’s booth.

To try AccessIT, visit

About Minicom Advanced Systems
Minicom is a global leader of IT management solutions for data centers, server rooms and rack environments.

With an established track record of pioneering innovative solutions, Minicom is synonymous with IT infrastructure efficiency and shortening resolution time in data centers. Tailored for IT managers who need secure, centralized, and seamless access to their mixed IT environments (servers, console servers, PDUs, and network devices), our IT infrastructure solutions enable local, remote, in-band and out-of-band access and management. Minicom's unique approach maximizes past investments in IT infrastructure, installation, and training while adding innovative technology, resulting in reduced costs and increased productivity.

Since 1988, we have provided solutions for some of the largest rack environments in the world. With headquarters in Israel and regional offices in North America, Europe and China, Minicom operates in over 70 countries. Our solutions are used daily to manage millions of servers.


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