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Symbiosis Between CUBE and Three Key Concepts for Business Leaders

At CUBE, we believe that leaders  work every day focusing on several difficult-to-achieve ideals, among which are usually the following:

  1. Delegate functions correctly, and in a timely manner, in order to dedicate more time to the leader’s exclusive tasks.
  • Take advantage of the differentiators and specialized profiles of each team member.
  • Achieve the expected results through optimal use of time, as well as the human, financial, technological, and physical resources of the team or company.

These ideals are framed in three concepts: Delegation, Optimization, and Effectiveness.

Developing these concepts requires several strategies whose execution can reliably lean on management support tools such as CUBE Edge.

Let’s review some of the crossover points between these three concepts and CUBE:

  1. How does CUBE help you delegate?
  • The CUBE Project Module allows you to have visibility into your team’s activities such as who’s working on what, how much progress they’ve made, what they’ve been scheduled to work on next, etc. This feature promotes an employee´s autonomy and rewards time to management teams.
  • CUBE makes it easier to identify key employees by effectively managing where and when resources are deployed or how to better utilize their time and talents.
  • CUBE Mobile provides a complete set of tools that allows your managers to direct their teams from their phones.
  • How does CUBE help you optimize?
  • The CUBE Estimating Module is created to automate many tasks so you and your team can focus on doing the work that your business management system can’t do. By automating tasks, such as estimating and ordering, you can turn a 4-hour task into a 4-minute one.
  • In order to allow estimators and engineers to do tasks related to their exclusive roles, the CUBE Engineering Module has added functions to maximize their time and efforts, such as:
  • Transfer all of the drawings automatically from a digital library to your new estimate
    • Build all of the controls drawings with just one click
    • Include typical pages to your controls package.

  • Looking to improve the time that your Human Resources team invests in the payroll process? The CUBE Mobile app allows your employees to easily enter their work hours.  The information is instantly saved and accessible to your managers for review, approval, and faster data processing.
  • How does CUBE help you to increase your level of effectiveness?
  • CUBE avoids the frustration of seeing a warehouse full of incorrect parts simply because someone made a typing error when transferring data from one system to another. CUBE’s “Bill of Materials Generator,” was designed to eliminate mistakes when ordering parts.
  • One of the many challenges of being a controls contractor is hiring and retaining technical staff, which nowadays is harder to come by. Therefore, the right thing to do is optimize the time of those who come to our company. The CUBE team has developed a customer application for its Delta partners’ customers where the app takes the information from the CUBE cloud and creates the database into a Delta Controller. In summary, the time that engineers spend creating the database is reduced to a fraction.
  • The CUBE Service Module gives you proper systems, such as the Service Map to monitor and manage your service fleet. It helps you visualize all your points of interest, active projects, service sites, current positions of all your vehicles, and planned stops, among other details. This holistic approach allows your coordinators to optimize your resources quickly and deliver the best service to your customers.
  • Looking to streamline your decision-making process? CUBE takes care of your project resources by integrating the Project Estimation with the Project Management Module. This integration shows you warning signs through easy-to-follow dashboards that tell you if your projects are on track.

All of the information above are just a few examples showing the symbiosis between CUBE, Delegation, Optimization, and Effectiveness. An integration you won’t want to miss out on!

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