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AI Caramba – Mucho Mumbo Jumbo

“How do we turn our mumbo jumbo into something the public will read and can use to make buildings smarter?

I’ve been writing here now for 4-5 years. And I asked Ken Sinclair what he’s missing. What should I write about?

“How do we turn our mumbo jumbo into something the public will read and can use to make buildings smarter? We need to better context what we are doing we scare them away by thinking out loud providing too many gore details good for the industry talk but so confusing for our client What value do we add? They do not care how we do it as long as we do”


Considering that the readership of are mostly integrators (possibly?) I suppose the best way of helping the end customer is to write guides, use cases, possibly questionnaires, or what to think about aspects. I made this a couple of years ago which might come in handy when shopping around for Digital Twins.

And earlier today there was a need for use cases on Linkedin as to which my response was a lot of mumbo jumbo and buzzword bingo.

“I’d love to know more about this since our next step will be a lot about explainable AI, through reality gamification strategies and moving towards an architecture of edge native, real-time, graph-based information sharing that can scale in interoperable ways. Not limited to seamless information sharing for systems, but more akin to a sociotechnological symbioses where the aim is to create at the speed of thought.

A lot of buzzwords there. But yes, we have only started with incremental learning, decision trees, and random forest initiatives. The plan is to move closer to multi agent systems and agent-based modelling and tie this together with a virtual first mindset of operating on an emulated reality to make simulations that can help us make better decisions, faster. As well as knowledge transfer between people in the same domain, as well as different domains, utilizing reality digital twinning as the boundary spanning object(s) to fully capture, store, leverage as well as expand knowledge across space and time.

The library of compelling use cases is really interesting since it’s not just about the ingredients, nor just the recipes. But also, the granular aspects of how to describe the context. A lot to unpack here…”

Catering to the past, present, and future?

Catering to the past, we have to be able to talk to old standards as well as old people. Getting to the present requires that we convert that knowledge from old standards, potentially into new standards, and also how to teach new people old/new tricks and solving the skill-shortage gap question.

But what about the future?

This is the part where I am continuously mesmerized by the myopic attitude from mostly everyone in any industry. If we are going to cater to the future, we also need to utilize cutting edge tools in our arsenal right now that might be in the “sci-fi” realm. The reason being is that ALL future use cases will be built on the tools, technologies, processes and people of the future.

Can plain mediums of text hit home? Are real estate owners reading this or the end users? What’s the readership like below 40 years of age? 30 years?

I am struggling with the fact that sometimes I feel that there’s nothing left to say because everything is left to say.

Extreme heat is breaking a broken world

Broken supply chains – A broken world. There’s not much business to be done on a dead planet. But what about a changing one? What does China have to do with anything?

With extreme climate change, we need extreme collaboration. And it becomes obvious that we need to make the right decisions as quickly as possible.


We do need to mend a broken world. But how? How can we not only make people listen, but also understand and act, instead of the customary passive notion of having someone react?

Almost 4 years ago I wrote this article about the problems with open APIs and that there’s more needed regarding semantic interoperability. It’s got some good stuff in there such as:

·        The Handshake-Problem with the API-economy

·        A shared set of values is the key

·        Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning needs more than a handshake

And at the end I try to explain that taxonomies is a good way of solving interoperability challenges. I think I even say that it’s the one solution. But I don’t think so. It’s part of it. But there’s the realm of standards and technological mumbo jumbo. And then there’s the part where humans and people are involved. Going back to the original question from Ken it’s evident that a lot of conversations are just for the people in the domain they are in. Cross-domain conversation happen rarely and if they happen no one is really interested in anything else but their own side of things.

Immersive Reality Recording and Future Readiness

How can we make people more interested in how we could make their lives better? Money. Using visual ways of working. Creating use cases that everyone could understand. Make it easier to get people to get started and provide simple ways of doing so.

I will be speaking at the Haystack Connect conference in a couple of weeks and I hope I can show something interesting regarding Reality Gamification.

But most of all, people need to be shown what could be possibly in their reality. Most don’t care about anyone else and they think they are unique. They are, in the sense that it’s the same as everything else, just different.

The reality that will be recorded has to be recorded in ways that the future can natively consume it and expand on it. 2D doesn’t cut it. We didn’t evolve for billions of years to click on glass-screens and consume information in 2D. Everything needs to be in 3D at least, and easily consumable for VR/AR and XR approaches at scale. Only then can we record the reality customers are in and invite to innovate at scale.

So maybe I’ll try to get Ken to transform the recommendations into use cases and templates native to VR aspects. And have the history of BAS turned into an NFT for people to access forever and pay dividends to the creators forever too.


I’m not sure there is one (for once?). I am busy creating the future now in many areas since I don’t feel that change is happening fast enough. I’m trying to encapsulate all that everyone has taught me over the last 5 years and create understandable recipes for change that can pass the test of time.


My idea is to leverage the metaverse to improve reality not just escape it. And also combine it with Digital Twinning, AR/VR/XR native interfaces and taxonomy and ontology based foundations coupled with event driven architecture and graph-based ways of working. All delivered in an intuitive interface that is used by the gaming community. We have created self-learning edge native digital twins now and this is only the beginning. The acceleration of benefits realization across any domain is quite exponential in the sense that all that knowledge transfer aspect can be sorted in 30 minutes instead of 30 days. And integration aspects also in a day instead of a month. And so on.

Processes, people, culture, systems, hierarchy as well as context play a huge role in this. And ALL of them needs to fit nicely together.

How do I know all of this? Because it’s my job to know what the future will do in a week, a month, a year from now. And if you want to create the future before everyone else? Reach out to me and we’ll make it happen!


Nicolas Waern
CEO, Founder and Digital Twin Specialist at WINNIIO Consulting

Nicolas Waern is the CEO, Strategy & Innovation Leader, and a Digital Twin Implementation Specialist at the consulting firm WINNIIO. He is a firm believer that the Real Estate Industry needs more of a lifecycle focus where we need to go Beyond Buildings and come back with an understanding what tools and technology we could use. And to solve the jobs to be done, together, with an open mindset.

Nicolas is working with leaders in several industries to understand how they can succeed in the age of AI. Predicting what the world will do in a week, a month, a year from now and to best utilize strategies and solutions that pass the test of time. He does this through a Digitalization- on Demand approach for anyone that needs to change before they have to.

Nicolas is also a Podcast Creator & Newsletter Editor for Beyond Buildings
Thought Leader regarding Smart Buildings & Building Automation for AutomatedBuildings
Speaker and Influencer Event Streaming Platforms as the Holy Grail for Industry 4.0 Applications
Subject Matter Expert Real Estate Digitalization Proptech Digitalization Expert
Active Member of Digital Twin working groups Digital Twin Subject Matter Expert
