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September 2022 “Connecting Communities”

Our industry’s rapid growth fragmented by social media needs to appear to the world as the story of the Combined Contexted Connection Industry.

We need to change our marketing focus and engage in the creation of the context for the communication of our change and the celebration of our new value.

In’s reinvention, we are exploring how we can best  Collectively, Create, Collect, Contain, Communicate, and Concisely present the Context of our Industry’s Value.

Our goal is to create a self-sustaining resource for the industry. Created by the industry, for the industry, for the world to better understand our smarter building value. believes we need this industry library/landing/launch pad for us all to display and provide the context of our hard work constantly and timely updated.

Contexting Our Value has us focused on the fact that our context is our value.

In Sudha article“Connecting & Combining Communities”

   she states,

Separate communities are still innovating in their own fragments. By breaking the parts and recreating them each time, we are building new montages.

So we are still making progress but not as the beautiful picture painted to management from outside articles or books.

In reality, we have to bring technology into companies to solve problems with small pilots and prove our ROI without access to the full data that will create value. Especially for IoT, it creates new fragments of different clouds across different parts of the company later creating new projects to standardize technologies. That is why we see the centralization vs decentralization movement happening again and again.AI Caramba – Mucho Mumbo Jumbo 

Nicolas Waern – Digital Twin Specialist  “How do we turn our mumbo jumbo into something the public will read and can use to make buildings smarter?

We need to better context what we are doing we scare them away by thinking out loud providing too many gore details good for the industry talk but so confusing for our client What value do we add? They do not care how we do it as long as we do”

The Brave New BAS IP Everything has begun

  Scott Cochrane, President & CEO, Cochrane Supply & Engineering

For the brave who live on the edge of technology and the risk takers who dare the typical, a TORNADO has picked them out of their markets and landed them in a new place with unbelievable possibilities and huge benefits for their customers and themselves. Yes, BAS has crossed the technology bridge to IP everything and so comes the dawn of a new exciting era.

Let’s dive into some areas we are seeing a huge change already.

In this interview, Tracy Markie   CEO & Founder – Engenuity Systems, Inc.  Chairman of the Board – LonMark International says, “Connecting communities” has been central to my work

 in both Engenuity ( and LonMark (LMI) ( for several decades. 

The two organizations and my roles in both have allowed me to pursue my vision of a connected world: sometimes in surprisingly different ways and other times very synergistically. Digital twins begat many new communities digital Twin Use Cases for Building Owners and Operators

  In this article, we outline the variety of digital twin use cases that can immediately generate added value and provide a positive investment case to owners and operators of buildings and assets. The use cases we describe range from building operations and maintenance to sustainability and energy efficiency, to safety and security, to predictive analytics and data monetization.

In our MondayLive meeting, Anno Scholten

 presented this graphic that does a great job of summarizing what we are talking about. We are talking in Lego blocks but we need to be telling the ROI complete story

Essential Elements of Data Storytelling

 This book speaks to the how-to

“Brent Dykes is the king of data storytelling; he’s probably thought about this more than anyone else on the planet. No matter how good your data and analysis are, they won’t have much impact unless they are embedded in a good story. Read this book to find out how to do that.”

Transforming data into visual communication is only one part of the picture—it’s just as important to engage your audience with a memorable and persuasive story.

Narratives are more powerful than raw statistics, more enduring than pretty charts. Effective Data Storytelling teaches you how to communicate insights that influence decisions, inspire action, and drive change.

Much of the value of our publication is bringing New narratives that connect the lego blocks. Explained with a story. We depend on the industry to give us those stories but more and more the article focus on how shiny our lego blocks are. We depicting a new technology a new lego block but the block will likely be replaced by a new shiny block by the time the project is done.

At AHRExpo Atlanta we will Concisely present the Context of our Industry’s Value.
