We answer some common questions on this page, FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). We will keep adding and editing this FAQ page; please send your questions to me directly sinclair@automatedbuildings.com. I will answer and post
What is AutomatedBuildings.com? and Who Controls it?
Who makes our industry-edited dynamic library/landing/launch pad possible?
What is it about, and why did we do it? https://www.automatedbuildings.com/about-us/
Who are our Contributing Editors?
What happened to the original website history of 23 years? https://www.automatedbuildings.com/index.htm
All the information is still there, navigated as before the last issue is September 2022
How do I search for the original website’s valuable history? https://www.automatedbuildings.com/search/sitesearch.htm
The new website is searched from the home page.
The legacy site is frozen with its 23 years of archives and maintained as a linkable, searchable subset of the new site.
We have the last several years of content connected to Pinterest pins at this address
Are history presentations still available? Yes!
First 20 years of 25 anniversary Our AB blur in a video and dynamic menu you can control.
Click here or below and go to the 3D button on the left and see our first 20 years as you scroll
From Y2K to 2022 Click on 3D for a flyover – a blur of our past 22 years
Online Chapters of our Digital Transformations LinkedIn Post
The last several years cataloged on Pinterest
How can you be part of our industry resource for free as an individual or company?
Join our online LinkedIn group AutomatedBuildings.com Online Magazine Forum with over 4800 others online since 2010. As a group member, post your message and interact with others. This is an industry sandbox for all to play and introduce themselves, their products, and their online events in their own words. This allows our editors and the industry to meet the known and unknown.

Everyone posts everywhere, and our sponsors’ summary of those links is a powerful message to the industry. We are moving from longer articles to shorter lists/maps of what you posted online. Social media is amazing but quickly gets lost in time. You need to provide a contexted summary of posts with links to archived by the time on social media and events
Tell us what has already been said, and add what needs yet to be said
Follow me on LinkedIn with almost 22,000 others
Follow me https://twitter.com/Ken_Sinclair
Over seven years of graphical links https://www.pinterest.ca/kens0684/_created/