How to Win at Buzzword Bingo and to Succeed in the Age of AI within the World of HVACR
How to Win at Buzzword Bingo and to Succeed in the Age of AI within the World of HVACR
If we fast forward 100 years into the future, we will hopefully see that we have done things differently. Education will be different, and there will most likely be a higher degree of digitization. But who are the ones that will make this happen? Why? How? And most of all when? How can we predict the future as well as understand what we need to do to create it?
Easy. Utilize the FCC to spot the place to be.
“New companies don’t know how to sell, and existing companies don’t know how to buy.”

The Future Creation Canvas is all about communication
I created this during a conversation between a McKinsey lead for Construction in Europe, a Professor of Construction Education in Sweden, a facilitator with an construction background from one of the largest general contractors in the world, and also three newly graduated construction professionals in their early 20s.
It was evident that there were immense gaps between what could be done (outside the industry) what was being done (inside the industry) and what was being taught at the University (Education for the industry). Where it was interesting to look at these as different swim lanes to better understand what is happening. And most importantly what will happen, and to better predict how it will happen, by whom, and of course when.
The big squeeze
Because what do you think will happen when we start educating people in more modern ways of working where existing companies can’t change fast enough? And where new more modern companies with digital business models and digital operating models find their way into existing industries? The existing companies will of course be squeezed where more companies cross the chasm, and existing companies try to avoid the abyss of oblivion to the far right.

From Path Dependency to Path Creation Strategies
The big dragons have of course managed to stave off the competition by eating up the would-be dragons, chewing them up and spitting them out. Sometimes for the betterment of the world. And sometimes not.
The question is if the existing practices are good for the world? Or if we need companies that could provide faster time to value creation in more sustainable ways? To be honest, I don’t necessarily care about disruption as long as value is being created and where the best products win. The truth is though that I don’t see that happening within the existing industry. The path dependency is strong and it has everything to do about the (non)dynamic interactions between existing actors, education and the ones outside the real-estate industry in this case.

Where some of the problems today are that some do not have a grasp on how to win at buzzword bingo. Where I have said multiple time before that companies can utilize most, if not all of the ingredients in the Hype Cycle today. But alas, most are fearful of Digital Twins, and do not now how to leverage modern tools and technologies in isolation. Let alone, together. Where new companies don’t know how to sell, and existing companies don’t know how to buy.

But the thing is that everything that can happen will happen. And 14 years ago, Smart Phones was a buzzword where existing companies like Ericsson and Nokia thought it was just a marketing hype. And most of us know what happened later. How can we solve the skill-shortage gap? What will be the next 10 slides of this presentation and how to actually start saving money, make more money and make new money today, not wait until the future?
What are the similarities and differences between what is happening within the “Smart Building space?” What can we learn from self-driving vehicles, the automotive and manufacturing sector and how to become best buddies with the buzzword bingo side of things, leveraging modern tools to solve ancient problems?
That is exactly what we discuss over at Beyond Buildings, and what I help customers with at WINNIIO Consulting.
And I invite you to join a deeper discussion about these topics at the AHR Expo 2022 in Las Vegas. So either you wait until then, or reach out to me if you want to find out what to do, and to truly leverage all that the future will offer, today!
Nicolas Waern