Meet me in Atlanta at AHRExpo Monday, February 6, 2023
1:15 pm to 2:45 pm – Monday Live! & C4SB at AHR “The Great Convergence”
Panelists from: Monday Live! – C4SB – Smarter Stack – Div2525 – Interoperability – Digital Twins
The Monday Live! The team is collaborating with C4SB to present a mega session at AHR Expo. The panelists will update the industry on several strategic initiatives designed to improve how the industry delivers smarter building products and solutions holistically.
Turning Chaos into Creative Change
Join Anto in his mega session as part of our 12 free education sessions in Atlanta. Our industry and all other Industries are in midst of a reinvention. Remote anywhere work, the radical change in the use of existing infrastructures, and the evolving online economies all cry for the reinvention of “virtually” everything. Reinvention is the action or process through which something is changed so much that it appears to be entirely new. This can create Chaos but also presents an amazing opportunity for Creative Change. You will want to be part of these changes
Anto posts from the past
- The C4SB Coalition Activity Update
- The Road to System of (Building) Systems
- Anticipating a Game-Changing AHR Expo Anto Budiardjo, CEO Padi, Inc.
- A Smarter Stack for Smarter Buildings Contributing editor Anto Budiardjo “Facility IT Evangelist”
- Monday Live! The urgency of the moment requires us to be agile, this group put together Monday Live! in about a week.
- Preview of New Deal Cybersecurity Summit AHR Expo 2020, Orlando, FL, February 4/20 – Anto Budiardjo, New Deal for Buildings
- NIST Framework at the Cybersecurity Summit
- Security vs. Security The purpose of this article is to try and put all of this cybersecurity “stuff” into some order that can hopefully help people in the BAS industry decide what is important for them.
- Cybersecurity is Everyone’s Business It’s really easy to sweep cybersecurity under a rug. The BAS industry has not had to address this issue in the past as most of the systems we have installed have been disconnected from the rest of the world. With the move to IP, this is no longer the case.
- Collaborating Around Cybersecurity Anto Budiardjo and Ken Sinclair Collaborating
- Cybersecurity: The Gatekeeper to Value The concept of Facility IT mandates that information flows securely and easily between all elements of BAS, FM and IT.
- Reflections on Cybersecurity Summit @AHRExpo Closed and proprietary systems don’t mean secure. Open systems approach doesn’t mean insecure. – Anto Budiardjo and Nicolas Waern
- Disruption, Why It’s Important Disruption is fundamentally about change; specifically, it’s about a change to the status quo that we all find comforting.
- Let’s Talk BAS Cybersecurity for the vast majority of BAS players: vendors, the channel, and even operation staff, cybersecurity could be described as “out of mind,” in other words, ranked #∞.
- Facility IT Interview with Nicolas Waern This interview is one is a series of interviews by Anto Budiardjo on the subject of Facility IT.
- Cybersecurity and Facility IT How should we look at cybersecurity risks in the age of Facility IT?
- Facility IT Interview with John Petze This interview is one is a series of interviews by Anto Budiardjo on the subject of Facility IT.
- Facility IT and the Future Workforce A changing workforce can only be serviced by new thinking about facilities, that’s Facility IT.
- A Facility IT Interview with Keith Gipson This interview is one from a series of interviews by Anto Budiardjo on the subject of Facility IT.
- Facility IT Interview with Jim Lee This interview is in a series by Anto Budiardjo on the subject of Facility IT.
More thoughts from Anto
Contributions From Past Years
- ADR, Green Button, and Plug-In What does the term Energy Information (EIT) technology mean, and why should anyone care?
- B2G – Moving Smart Grid, Beyond the Grid The opportunities of integrating smart buildings with the Smart Grid
- Interoperability. So, what’s in it for me? In terms of actual benefits, interoperability enables more devices to communicate, improved operational efficiency, and of course, a more level playing field for entrepreneurial minds to innovate and create a much larger potential market.
- GridWeek A Summary of Discussions Shaping the BAS Industry
- Collaboration Fuels Smart Grid Progress Major Industry Players Get Behind ADR Alliance
- A Rose I’m talking about the endless list of buzzwords that have occupied these pages over the past years and represent technologies and initiatives that have—and have not—transformed our industry and environments.
- Finding the Answer It is a realization that BAS needs to change to a new business proposition, one that leverages great technology now available, creates significant opportunities in greening buildings, and turns buildings into virtual power plants that add value to owners, power utilities, society at large, and of course, the BAS industry.
- ConnectivityWeek Laying Out the New Energy Management
- Energy Users, The Focus of BuilConn at ConnectivityWeek
- Smart Grid and Buildings connected in Orlando A key part of the future of B2G is how the BAS industry will develop over the next few years. – We were fortunate at the Summit to have representation from two of the major BAS companies (Siemens and Schneider) and a perspective from one of the industry’s leading thought leaders in John Petze.
- 2009, The Year Smart Grid Came To Be Smart Grid represents an important new business vehicle that BAS players can leverage utilizing existing skills and customer base.
- Reflections on record-breaking ConnectivityWeek and BuilConn The perfect storm produced a perfect event; a combination of rich subjects discussed, enormous business opportunities for vendors and integrators alike, on a backdrop of solving climate change problems and interestingly an awareness of social changes permeating our world.
- 240 And Counting…. The number of speakers at ConnectivityWeek has now surpassed the total number of attendees at the first BuilConn
- Once in a Lifetime We really have to seriously go back to the invention of electricity and the internal combustion engine, and combine that with the changes that we have seen in the birth of the Internet that has changed our lives.
- It’s 1992 all over again! As there was a driver in the 90s, today there are two of the most significant drivers that we can imagine in play, the Y2K of today if we continue the comparison to the 90s.
- Subtle Winds of Change in Windy City A perfect storm of change if you understand the big picture that has been a constant theme on AutomatedBuildings.com for months if not years.
- 2009, Not Business As Usual! Big things need to happen to force a revolution; what we are witnessing right now with the economic woes, climate change, and the change that the new Obama administration will bring about will drive things forward.
- Buildings and ET The mantra of energy management in the 21st century has to be Buildings, Buildings and Buildings
- Is DR Hype? Or, is DR real and a potential short-term game changer for building automation?
- The Next 10 Years “Ken’s theme for the next 10 years is about change …. I would like to propose a way of thinking that may well help you make a decision as to how to proceed”.
- We need a bigger boat! Focusing just on building systems or even just controls is simply not going to cut it, the vision outlined at the first BuilConn in 2003 was too narrow.
- Preview of ConnectivityWeek 2008 ConnectivityWeek 2008 has collected all of the key subjects that will draw this picture of the future world of connected devices. The tent to encompass this vision is large, very large.
- ASHRAE, CSI & OPC at BuilConn The new face is strangely a combination of the past, the changing, the new, and a heavy dose of socially-driven subjects that together are turning the world of energy and buildings upside down. as ASHRAE, CSI & OPC meet at BuilConn.
- How Energy Revolution Affects You! As in previous revolutions, social change will be significant, impacting everything from our daily lives to commerce and politics.
- The Energy Revolution is Here! Let’s understand something: The Energy Revolution is happening around us, it is starting right now, not by this author, not by Al Gore, not by environmentalists, but by the realities of the changing energy paradigm.
- 4 Questions To Ask & 4 Tasks for 2008 They are in essence one question, “how does this industry move forward into the 21st century”.
- B2G Summit January 21, 2008 – New York, NY
- Standing Room Only at DR-Expo The requests from sponsors, speakers and attendees alike were for DR-Expo to be held at least twice a year in the U.S.
- The Killer App is Here A killer app is defined as being a product or service that is so useful that people will buy a particular piece(s) of computer hardware and/or an operating system simply to gain access to the application, one that is so valuable that it transcends any concerns, risks or need to learn something new.
- Four steps to make money from DR Understand – Internalize – Plan – Execute
- Seven Habits of a Highly Profitable Controls Company We have two basic choices in how we do things: be reactive to things that happen around us, or proactive to ensure things happen as we want them to.
- Buildings 2.0 Energy and the Grid Buildings 2.0 is an initiative that cares for the scarce resources we have on planet Earth.
- DR-Expo™ Delivering Demand Response Information & Solutions Today!
- ConnectivityWeek / BuilConn Chicago Report For practitioners participating this space, a great deal was uncovered in how Building-IT convergence is starting to play out; delivering real value to owners and tangible opportunities for the industry.
- Demand Response, an Urgent and Significant Opportunity Demand Response (DR) is without doubt the golden opportunity for building systems integrators and contractors.
- Buildings 2.0 Buildings 2.0 is a vision that intricately intertwines buildings with Internet technologies. It is a vision that the future of buildings is one that is controlled, managed, and connected to the Internet, in a way that goes far beyond simply placing a web server to the control system or in the use of IP.
- Industry Pow-Wow An event that will unite the industry must be open, open to all perspectives, open to all potentially valuable ideas, technologies, and solutions balanced with objectivity and business development strategies. The event should not exclude any idea, any perspective, or any technology that could be of benefit to building owners.
- BuilConn Middle East in Dubai and Riyadh
- Building Automation Renaissance How to survive & prosper from Building-IT Convergence
- Connectivity Today We have the technology, we have the infrastructure, we have the attention of the buildings and IT industries, we have the demand from corporations who own buildings, and now we have a way to measure the value of connectivity.
- Cisco on Board for Palm Springs Cisco announces it’s Platinum sponsorship of BuilConn Americas in Palm Springs, CA, May 16-18.
- GridWise, the Convergence Killer App? I would describe GridWise as a Killer App enabler.
- The Future is Bright! As we start 2006 there is a great deal of justified optimism for almost everyone in this industry as well as those the industry serves.
- In Search of the Intelligent Building The quest for technology to enable Intelligent Buildings has been around for almost two decades.
- What Next – Part III Organizing Our Industry Part 3 will explore what needs to change in the route to market of building system solutions.
- What Next – Part II The Stakeholders In part 2 we look at the change Convergence will bring to the stakeholders of our industry.
Building-IT Convergence…What Next? In this four-part article on the future of Building-IT Convergence, I will cover the driving forces, trends, and predictions on how our lives will change as convergence will take root globally. In part 1 this month, we will look at the true impact of the Internet, and in part 2 we will look at the change Convergence will bring to the stakeholders of our industry. Part 3 will explore what needs to change in the route to market of building system solutions and part 4 will tie it all together with some predictions and suggested actions for those interested in playing a role in the future of buildings. - 2005, The Year of XML? Maybe it’s better stated that XML could become the enabler and driver for 2005 being the year of Open Systems in buildings.
- From Buildings to the Enterprise via IT The building industry needs to focus on the word “Information” because it is the information that can be extracted from buildings that will provide value to the enterprise.
- Connecting Convergence August Supplement Engineered Systems
Connecting Convergence Ken Sinclair, AutomatedBuildings.com
Convergence or Divergence Anto Budiardjo, Clasma Inc. - What’s In A Name? The answer depends on the time frame you’re talking about. Let’s delve deeper.
- Oh, what a month October was! Reporting on
BACnet Conference
oBIX Meeting in Cincinnati
LonMark Meeting in Munich - Marketing Convergence – Engineered Systems November Supplement
Convergence Will Happen, Ken Sinclair, AutomatedBuildings.com
Why Is There A Need For Marketing? Anto Budiardjo – Clasma Events Inc.
Selling Integration and Convergence Jack Mc Gowan, Energy Control Inc. - BACnet is now ISO Approved….Now What? It’s now up to the industry. You are the industry, and now it’s up to you!
- What Next Part IV: Action Stations! The world of technology in buildings is changing; to do nothing is the same as making a conscious decision to go backward, at a time when new IT-savvy players are moving forward at greater and greater speed.
- Event and conference going in 21st Century Our mission is to help people be aware of events in their industry, help them find the best events, and to maximize the benefits of going to them. – Anto Budiardjo, CEO PointView, Inc.
- Connecting BAS with Smart Grid BAS players simply cannot ignore Smart Grid. It will provide the mechanism for energy generation, distribution, and consumption in the future.
- Join YoungEnergy.org @ BuilConn’s ConnectivityWeek How does the BA industry bring new blood into the workforce? These new challenges are a headache to us old folks but are simply wonderful opportunities for the next generation, the iPod generation that lives and breaths issues like climate change, technology, and the challenge of economic recovery.
- Is 2009 the year of significant change? It has the markings of it Ken, the perfect storm is forming. I don’t think 2009 will be business as usual.
- The Energy Revolution at BuilConn There are 6 events co-located with BuilConn this year, all part of what we call ConnectivityWeek.
- BuilConn Santa Clara – “Empowering the Energy Revolution” The challenges I hear now are: how to make this growth happen, how to improve business, reduce risk, find resources, and generally, how to deliver solutions to building owners.
- More 2008 Events A great deal of what’s been talked about related to the future of buildings will start to unfold in 2008.
- Buildings 2 Smart Grid Summit January 21, 2008, New York
- 2007 – Looking Back and Ahead For integrators and contractors, Demand Response or DR means immediate business returns and an opportunity to leverage DR to establish a better value proposition to their customers. For owners, DR will provide a way to reduce energy costs by tapping into the incentives the utilities are providing right now.
- DC to Chicago, the road to Buildings 2.0 The Buildings 2.0 initiative promotes green initiatives and sustainable designs as well as the use of Information Technology to further the vision.
- Formation of a perfect storm The world of convergence in 2007
- GridWeek Takes Shape To be discussed at GridWeek will be hot topics such as demand response, real-time pricing, alternative energy, and distributed generation. Many of the solutions to the shortfall in electricity will come down to reducing demand, especially at peak load times, and much of this will happen in buildings through building automation.
- BuilConn Middle East The focus of BuilConn ME is on communicating to owners and developers how they should be looking at smart buildings and how they should be thinking about designing and procuring the systems that make their buildings intelligent.
- BuilConn Singapore As with the first events in the US and Europe, this Singapore event will focus on gathering the players and thought leaders in the new world of convergence.
- ConnectivityWeek Amsterdam & Singapore ConnectivityWeek is what we call the week of activities surrounding BuilConn.
- Singapore 2006 It has been said many times before that Asia, and especially Singapore is leading the charge with Intelligent Buildings.
- BuilConn Next Steps – Going Global ConnectivityWeek is our new umbrella brand to “house” BuilConn, M2M, GridWise, and Wi-tivity. It’s a brand we will use around the world to gather subjects related to the connectivity of devices and systems, such as building controls and automation.
- Why Palm Springs is Important Today we’re standing at a very significant watershed of change; this is not only my prediction but represents the billion-dollar actions of companies from major traditional players to new IT entrants. This is also being driven by the demands of owners, now inquisitive (and willing to spend money) about how IT can better their buildings.
- Understanding the Connectivity Law Anto’s Connectivity Law: “The value of a piece of information is proportional to the number of uses that piece of information is connected to.”
- AHR and the Road to Palm Springs It was a perfect start of 2006, a year that will be a critical year for convergence. Cisco’s participation will make BuilConn Palm Springs a must-attend event for vendors, integrators, consultants, and owners.
- Comments on Amsterdam Between HP and Cisco’s significant presence there, the release of the convergence study by i&i ProPlan, our partnership with ZigBee and OASIS and the many presentations and discussions on the subject, BuilConn Europe 2005 could be regarded as the turning point and uptake of Building-IT Convergence.
- BuilConn Europe 2005 Update ….IP-enabled gateways that talk XML and Web services, to IP-centric products such as servers, hosted services, BACnet Web Services, oBIX, to a great deal of discussion on IP-based standards.
- GridWise is a DOE initiative with Rik Drummond, Chair GridWise Architecture Council GridWise is a DOE initiative to bring the North America electric grid into the 21st century.
- IP + XML + Wireless = Amsterdam …..it is clear that IP-based technologies (XML, Web services, etc.) will dominate upper levels of building systems architecture.
- BuilConn: Next Stop Amsterdam We will cover an update of the core fundamental BuilConn material, such as basics of our industry, updates on key standards such as LonWorks, BACnet, oBIX and Konnex as well as discussions about where the whole XML/Web services is in its evolution and adoption cycle.
- Wireless@BuilConn Wireless should be the most efficient way to connect devices in buildings.
- People@BuilConn We have a lot more subjects and a lot more people with deep understanding of these subjects.
- Review of 2004 and Preview of 2005 I think the stars are in alignment, building owners are truly starting to realize what is possible, the economy is steady, products are becoming available, and the distribution is primed.
- The Who, What, Where, and When of BuilSpec The BuilSpec seminar series was created to provide technical owners and consulting engineers with an objective and clear understanding of the technologies, initiatives and trends that are reshaping the building systems playing field.
- 2004 – The Year of Convergence 2004 is starting to look like the year of convergence in the buildings industry. Probably the most interesting and core piece is the realization that XML and Web Services (XML/WS) will be a unifying technology, a catalyst for convergence.
- 2003 Review 2003 was a wake-up call. It should be remembered as the year that the next generation of building systems started to take shape.
- BuilConn 2004 December 2003 We’re glad that BuilConn can be the annual venue where the people involved can physically convene, meet, discuss and get to know each other.
- XML initiative for Buildings September 2003 The impact of having an XML-based standard for buildings is perhaps the linchpin in the convergence of building systems with the IT infrastructure – it is something this industry must support in order to grow.
- BuilConn 2004 July 2003 We are seeking input from integrators and contractors on the subjects they feel warrant in-depth sessions.
- Clasma – Beyond BuilConn June 2003 Our role here is to facilitate communication in the industry; what we always say is, “When people interact openly, magic happens!”
- BuilConn™ 2003 Update April 2003 The enthusiasm of our Advisory and Content Board has been phenomenal and the eagerness of the presenters has been very encouraging.
- BuilConn™ 2003 Update February 2003 You need to look at BuilConn as not just another conference or tradeshow. That’s why we called it the “Building Connections Forum”.
- BuilConn™ 2003 Update December 2002 Almost all of the integrators, contractors and dealers we have spoken to feel that an event focused on the integration of all of the systems found in buildings is desperately needed.
- BuilConn™ Building Connections Forum 2003 October 2002 I have observed in my years that there is no forum, event, expo or any formal gathering that focuses totally on controls. No event or gathering for manufacturers, distributors, integrators, contractors, dealers and resellers to meet.
- Where are Open Systems Today? November 2001 The technology needs to be usable by a large number of vendors in many different parts of the building from components, controller and end devices, infrastructure pieces, engineering and analysis tools to operator side products such as HMI, database, alarm handlers and so on.
Did you see his August cover story Engineered Systems?
Cover Story HVAC and Dreams of Integration
While the HVAC industry is poised to do well in integration, it isn’t a given. Take a minute and get the big picture by starting with the building controls dream, then moving into the present and toward the future.
Realcomm 2005At events like Realcomm, the building automation systems industry needs to present a united value proposition, one that is business- and benefit-centric that plays to the [financial] heart of the commercial real estate industry.
Professional Information
Anto is a fractional entrepreneur, spending his time with technology companies in and around the Internet of Things.
As a creative entrepreneur, Anto has extensive experience working with product creation, customer development, product positioning, strategic marketing as well as technical functions including product and software development. Anto excels in working with complex multi-stakeholder systems, explicitly identifying customer challenges, reducing complexities to expose fundamental and core problems, and envisioning features and value propositions of technology offerings.
For three decades, Anto has provided leadership in over a dozen technology companies in the UK and US. Most have been in areas now referred to as the Internet of Things, as such Anto has the first-hand experience of this essential and burgeoning trillion dollar technology space.
Anto provided industry leadership by forming a much-needed event company, to organize conferences, seminars, workshops in the cleantech and technology sectors including holding the major meetings for the new areas of Smart Grid and IoT in the US, Europe, and Asia. Doing so, he worked extensively with government and private sector leaders in the Obama White House, the Congress, trade & technical associations and global multinational companies.
Recognizing the challenges of the IoT sector in commercial buildings, Anto worked with key thought leaders in the industry to create the New Deal for Buildings initiative and blog found at newdeal.blog. From this initiative was born the idea of redefining the space as Facility IT, the confluence of Building Automation, Facility Management, and Information Technology.
Anto consults and provides strategic advice on how best to approach a problem from conception, through development and execution.