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An Open Message to My Friend, Colleague, Industry Leader-John Petze

By, Marc Petock

I am writing this with mixed emotions as you are about to begin your new journey of retirement. I know I speak for many in our industry, we offer our thanks and appreciation for your leadership, dedication, steadfast commitment, impact, and contributions you have given us for so many years.

Congratulations on your prestigious career. Over the years, you have played a significant role in helping to set the foundation and transform the evolution of our business. We are grateful for all you have done. You’ll be missed but never forgotten!

This time in life is a perfect opportunity to start doing what you’ve always wanted to do, so, do it! Remember now, you don’t have to act as if you are retired. When someone asks what you do, and you say, “I’m retired”, be sure to say it with gusto and the same passion you gave all these years. Don’t think that just because you are retired, I’m not going to call you when I want to bitch. Sorry pal, you can count on it. And be sure to make this part of your everyday vocabulary “It’s not my problem anymore”!

Here’s to you my friend and one of the best people in the industry. Congratulations on your retirement and best wishes on this next adventure.
