Introducing our Newest Contributing Editor Keith Gipson, CEO & CTO of Corp

Hard to believe that it’s been three years since I founded Corp after leaving Phoenix Energy Technologies.

I started it right when the COVID pandemic hit the U.S. During these past three years I’ve struggled with personal and health issues, as well as the “grind” of life in a startup company, building the next generation AI Optimization platform for buildings.

When I first posted about it, I referenced the movie “Moneyball”.
More so than ever, that’s still my vision.

What’s next for me?
Moneyball for Buildings.

In the film, Moneyball Peter Brand (Jonah Hill) uses Sabermetrics to perform an empirical analysis of baseball activities to evaluate the true performance of overlooked players by overly biased professional scouts.

Our Advanced Supervisory Control (ASC) provides an autonomous AI Optimization command and control “overlay” on top of legacy and proprietary Building Management Systems in order to drive enhanced comfort and energy savings (5% – 20%+) at scale, across our customer’s disparate portfolios.

Thank you, Ken Sinclair, my long-time industry colleague, and friend for extending me this opportunity to contribute to

About Keith E. Gipson

CEO / CTO Corp

One of the top building automation technicians at Honeywell in the late 80s and engineers at Johnson Controls in the mid 90’s, Keith Gipson has been a pioneer in the Buildings IoT, Enterprise Energy Management (EEM) industries, and technology for over twenty-five years.

In 1997 Keith Co-Founded the first EEM company, Silicon Energy Corp., which was sold to Itron in 2001 for $71 M. In 2005 Keith co-founded Shield Ops Inc. He architected an AI-driven CSI and evidence-linking program to help law enforcement discover, classify and correlate crime data as featured on the television show CSI Las Vegas (Season 10, Episode 4 “Coup De Grace”).

Most recently Keith was CTO of Phoenix Energy Technologies where he architected the Enterprise DX (“Data eXchange”) EEM platform that monitors and controls over 16,000 retail and commercial buildings, one of the largest integrated, web-based EEM platforms ever created. In March of 2020, after thirteen years, Keith left Phoenix ET to apply his vision and experience to build a conversational AI Autonomous Optimization (AIAO) solution. Keith holds a United States patent (US 6,178,362 Enterprise Energy Management System and Method 2001) and was honored by Southern California Edison as “A Modern Day African-American Inventor” for his contributions to the electric utility industry. He resides in Los Angeles, CA with his wife and business partner, Andrea, and his family.
