Embrace the IT/BAS Chaos – Seize the Opportunity for Creative Change

Join industry experts at AHR 2023 for two days of engaging educational industry sessions at AHR Expo in Atlanta, Feb 6th & 7th.

BAS Chaos Club – Welcome to Atlanta!  

If we in the BAS industry are going to help our friends, THE BUILDING OWNERS, meet their smart building goals, we need a new type of BAS team.  So much for finding the salty dog with many years’ experience – they gone!    

Today BAS is getting a face lift, a new digital generation is taking over with revolutionary tools we didn’t think possible just a few years back.  IT understanding is a binary requirement moving forward, and the ability to harness the power of the internet has created new SUPERHEROES in the BAS industry. It’s time to embrace the chaos of the BAS evolution and Turn Chaos into Creativity!  

This is no ordinary AHR Expo for Automatedbuildings.com, this is the beginning of a technology revolution for the entire HVAC industry – REVOLUTION against the typical BAS Design!    

We will not keep putting in RS485. We will put a cyber secure system in. We will not stop trying to make the operations and efficiency of the building better through web services! Sorry to all you pneumatic / DDC fans. IT CHAOS has started, and the industry is turning upside down.  Now is the time to get on board and CREATE your plan to harness the NEW POWER the revolution is giving us.   

It’s good timing for a revolution because the world needs BAS to move the needle.  Buildings are still a stinker when it comes to energy efficiency, and people who own them would like to see some improvements.  Building owners are trying to find new ways through new technology (even AI) to move towards their sustainable energy goals, and now must have a modern BAS to support and report the data required.    

Energy is not the only bottom-line topic for building owners today, a massive new disrupter is hitting them hard, CYBER ATTACKS and BAS is in its cross hairs.  Not only do we need better cyber security built into our products, designs, processes, and systems; we will need to go back to the last installed base of 10 years ago and fix all those systems as well, with new network PROTOCOLS and tools being developed today the future is exciting.   

DATA is KING and how it is managed, organized, and shared has become a key criteria in deciding which BAS is right for you.  Who owns the data from a building with services from a cloud-hosted application?  I don’t know!!!! I hear it debated all the time, going back and forth, and it feels like I’m the umpire at a tennis match.  

Do these issues sound familiar to you? Do you need help turning this chaos into order? Would you like to learn from the EXPERTS? 

Come join the GANG of BAS Chaos Revolutionaries leading the charge into the future with our series of fascinating educational sessions at AHR EXPO 2023.  We’ll cover all the topics above, plus much more, for 2 days LIVE at the AHR Expo in Atlanta, February 6th and 7th.    

Hold on to your hats, you might get blown away. See You at the SHOW!    
