Creative Community Collisions our Takeaways from AHRExpo Atlanta 

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An shared on LinkedIn Please share your comments post by Ken Sinclair, thanks to
Cochrane Supply & Engineering Scott Cochrane AHREXPO production Our sponsors
Monday Live! Smarter Summit
Anto Budiardjo Marc Petock
#ahrexpo2023 #ahrexpo #engineering #ashrae #architecture #adaption #automatedbuildings

Over 43,000 folks gathered face-to-face in Atlanta for a reinvention convention of almost everything was pleased to sponsor several education sessions fostering never before community collisions.

Our main takeaway from the event was our industry is a mosaic of communities forming around technologies, philosophies, procedures, protocols, and geographical locations.

Although the thoughts of all the communities vary, the purpose of creating smarter, environmentally sustainable repurposed buildings is our common goal.

As these cross-culture communities come together to share their differences, magic happened. Creativity flourishes, and reinvention was propelled by reinvention.

Exciting times watching folks who perceived in the past they were on opposite teams are now finding out how best to work as a creative community to build a stronger “Village, Megacity?, World?”

Every session highlighted finding out what you’re best at and observing what others do better than you, and creating your new reinvented self.

This Post set the theme

Embrace the IT/BAS Chaos – Seize the Opportunity for Creative Change
Today BAS is getting a facelift, and a new digital generation is taking over with revolutionary tools we didn’t think possible just a few years back.  IT understanding is a binary requirement moving forward, and the ability to harness the power of the internet has created new SUPERHEROES in the BAS industry. It’s time to embrace the chaos of the BAS evolution and Turn Chaos into Creativity!  
This is no ordinary AHR Expo for; this is the beginning of a technology revolution for the entire HVAC industry – REVOLUTION against the typical BAS Design!    

The ultimate service is not provided by one source, but we all are part of a preferred mosaic of Interoperable Solutions. This is the path of the future

The creative collision of communities started even before the show opened

Smarter Summit 23 Originally Aired – Sunday, February 5 • 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM Atlanta AHRExpo
I was pleased that this sold-out event at the last minute was put online because it allowed me to attend virtually. Now we can share with you what I was able to see and hear. From talking to others that were there Face 2 Face, the real excitement was to be in the room meeting lots of new faces
The Coalition for Smarter Buildings (C4SB), Monday Live!, and leading BAS industry groups organized a pre-AHR Summit to explore the advancement of technology and business practices in the design, specification, procurement, installation, and maintenance of systems that make buildings smarter.
The Summit was held on the eve of AHR Expo 2023 as the industry gathered to showcase new technologies, products, and solutions. The networking format of the Summit was designed to provide attendees with the maximum opportunity to compare notes, understand new initiatives, and take action.

Showtime Atlanta

YouTubes now online 2023 AHR Expo – Atlanta Free Education Sessions
Not able to make it to Atlanta? Here is your chance to do a quick catch-up. Click on the sessions of interest and YouTube with details, links to speakers with resources are presented

Did you miss an educational session you wanted to catch? Watch our recordings here!

There is an amazing amount of creative community collision cooperation and continuance contained in the shared sessions above.

This all fits extremely well into our reinvented resource

In our redesign & reinvention, it became apparent that we not only need the support of a few, edited by Jane and I, but we also need to include as much of the industry as we can to provide an industry-edited dynamic library/landing/launch pad where we all can write on the walls for the world to see and the industry to exchange ideas.
Exchanging and presenting our ideas in their correct context of how they make the world better, the sponsors’ own words and images will connect to articles, interviews, videos, and any media they wish, without hostile controlling annoying ads in a known informational format. The fact that each sponsored post is controlled by the sponsors, all information is posted in near real-time. The work of many, not just a few. A timeline is automatically shown for each post. Curation by contributors and editors is continuous. New Products, Events, and Industry News are posted by each sponsor when they are relevant.
Our industry is driven by the trust of who is writing. The new AB2.0 site is your place to build this trust. Our Contributing Editors and Guest Editors will also build their own posts on the site in near real-time.

What else was hot at AHRExpo? “The Chat about ChatGPT”

My observation is if you are not online, AI does not know you or your ideas do not exist, So get your thoughts online. Now.

Here are some resources on our website that let you quickly gain insight into what ChatGPT is

Interview with ChatGPT on Interoperability

Imagining Generative AI in the Automated Building World

“Generative AI: A Primer for Product and Business Managers” Sudha Jamthe (Author)

Alex Zimmerman Is a friend forever and has been my mentor on all that is green and sustainable shares his thoughts on Chat GPT

So You Think you Know the Future of AI (ChatGPT)?

We need to be agile and fast to survive

I asked Chat GPT “What is a Creative Community Collision?”

Creative Community Collisions (CCC) is a term that refers to the serendipitous encounters and collaborations that arise when people from different creative communities come together. These collisions can take place in physical spaces, such as shared workspaces or coworking environments, or in virtual spaces, such as online forums and social media platforms.

The idea behind CCC is that when people from different backgrounds and disciplines come together, they can share ideas, perspectives, and approaches that may be different from their own. This can lead to the development of new and innovative ideas and solutions that might not have been possible if everyone had stayed within their own creative silos.

Creative Community Collisions can happen in a variety of settings, such as design conferences, maker fairs, hackathons, and other events that bring together people from different creative fields. These collisions can be spontaneous or structured, and they can lead to collaborations that last for years or even decades.

Overall, the concept of Creative Community Collisions emphasizes the value of cross-disciplinary collaboration and the importance of creating opportunities for people from different creative communities to come together and exchange ideas. Regenerate response

A lot of information was generated from lots of constructive collisions that keep occurring that will keep me writing forever
