March is always an exciting month for me as it is the Woman’s month with International Woman’s Day (IWD) celebrated on March 8th round the globe.
As a women who has been working in technology industry in silicon valley, it is refreshing for me to hear about amazing womxn who have contributed to technology and driven change as leaders to shape the world we enjoy today.
Welcome to Womansplaining for IWD2023 on March 8th from 8am to 9am PT (17hr cet)/noon Brazil time to learn from am amazing set of women. Read on for details or signup here. Special Thanks to Pariya Sarin for building the website, events pages and speaker communication for the annual womansplaning event.

Becky Robin’s tells us about who are the women who invented the Internet starting with mathematician Ada Lovelace who created the first algorithm.

I have written here about how womxn groups are self-organizing in groups to help each other learn and grow.
- Womxn are self-organizing events and communities of experts – women in machine learning, women in big data, women in AI, Women in AI Ethics, IoTDayWoman
- Womxn are teaching and mentoring their expertise in technologies to each other – Railsgirls , a Rails Girls Code Summer program to inspire women and non-binary Rail coders to work on open source during summer, GirlsWhoCode
- Womxn have created lists of skills of women by specialty for hiring – Women in IoT , Women in Machine Learning, Women in machine to machine (M2M) , Women in Blockchain
I am honored to organize this year’s womansplaning event with some of the brilliant women I am lucky to work with. This is done as a free for all, volunteer run event with a focus on high standards and global diversity. If you are new to womansplaning, checkout past year’s speakers and learn several topics. We will be leading Womansplaining in March to build out the annual IoTDay Woman 24 hour marathon series on April 9th.

Join us for this IWD2023 womansplaning event on March 8th between 8am to 9am PT (17hr cet)/noon Brazil time to learn from am amazing set of women. Read on for details or signup here.
I can assure you, you will learn something new, enhance your knowledge in several areas of technology, industry, research and feel inspired and leave feeling empowered.
Sudha Jamthe is a globally respected Technology Futurist with a brings a mix of 25+ years experience from Silicon Valley technology industry, researcher of inclusive AI, author of 7 books on IoT, Autonomous Vehicles, AI and the recent book on Generative AI. Her latest passion goes beyond her teaching AI and AI Ethics to research and projects on pedagogy to teach AI Ethics to universities to create responsible technologists. Reach her at as she love collaboration to make the world limitless.