This is not an April fool’s joke.
B2E is a BC-based member-driven coalition whose purpose is to create opportunities for multiple stakeholders to work collaboratively to identify and address barriers to electrification and take actions that contribute to a meaningful market shift to low-carbon building electrification. B2E is a convener and knowledge hub of building electrification best practices.
The creation of B2E was identified as a key strategy in the BC Building Electrification Road Map to support a rapid transition to building electrification. A Leadership Council has been formed to act as an advisory body to the B2E.
Our Mission
We are a broad coalition working together to electrify buildings in British Columbia in order to reduce their climate impacts and reliance on fossil fuels.
Mar 2023

We sat down with building electrification advocate Scott Sinclair, CEO of SES Consulting, a mission-driven engineering firm advancing change through energy efficiency building solutions and retrofits. As a B2E Member since October 2021, SES has been an active part of the low carbon building community, exploring not only how we can decrease the carbon footprint of buildings, but how we can make buildings better experiences for the people who use them. Scott serves as a Co-Chair of B2E’s Leadership Council and is a member of the TECH committee, providing strategic insights and actionable solutions for our community.
Why did you become a B2E member?
Before B2E was formed, I was engaged as a stakeholder in the creation of the BERM, the Building Electrification Road Map, and I was also quite engaged with the City of Vancouver to define their carbon pollution regulations. I have strong relationships with different government and municipal stakeholders, like the City of Vancouver, BC Hydro and the Province, so when they approached me about joining, it was a natural fit.
What impact has the B2E community had on you/your organization?
Read complete interview
Why is this of interest to me?
For over 25 of these 50 years, Ken operated as Sinclair Energy Services Ltd providing energy simulations, conservation, and automation consulting for existing large buildings in Western Canada. This company evolved to be SES CONSULTING.
We are finally losing steam. Our future is electrifying 😏
Brad is one of our contributed editors and speakers

Brad White President at SES Consulting Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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