Monday Live! Discussing the basics of networks and why they are important for smarter buildings.

Watch this week’s Monday Live! Show discussion on network management with guest Ian MacRae. We also did a brief review of last week’s Realcomm Events in Las Vegas.
Watch this week’s Monday Live! Discussing the Internet Protocols. We discussed the challenges and advantages of IP for smarter buildings. ScholtenAnto BudiardjoWilliam BehnGINA ELLIOTTKen SinclairMarc PetockRoger WoodwardSteve FeyScott K. Hoffmann, MBATracy MarkieRick Justis#c4sbC4SB – Coalition for Smarter Buildings#div2525#smarterstack#smartertogether Anno Scholten Anto Budiardjo William Behn GINA ELLIOTT Ken Sinclair Marc Petock Roger Woodward Steve Fey Scott K. Hoffmann, MBA Tracy Markie Melissa Boutwell, LEED AP OM Rick Justis#c4sbC4SB – Coalition for Smarter Buildings#div2525#smarterstack#smartertogether