“Cloud-native ” might seem foreign, but the data architecture is very familiar. Most of us use it every day without even knowing it. You use a cloud-native architecture if you have a smartphone with an app. Most of the “stuff” that makes up a social media, calendar, or other app exists outside your phone. Sure, we download apps to our phones, and most of us think that’s where they live, but most of the data, processing, etc., that makes apps work lives someplace else—that someplace is the cloud. Cloud-native buildings work similarly, where resources, data, and computation would happen, not just somewhere else but everywhere.
Watch this week’s lively discussion on Realizing the Vision of Cloud-Native Buildings. Is this a major disruption? Are you disrupting, accepting disruption, or resisting disruption? This was the final Monday Live! Before we break for Summer. Back on Monday, Sep/11.
Here is Anto Budiardjo and the folks at Mondaylive.org Explaining how phones and EVs use cloud-native architectures:”
Monday Live! Discussion on why the Cloud-Native Buildings vision will disrupt the BAS industry. Spoiler alert: it’s all about the information about the building, more so than about the physical building itself.

What Is IBB?
https://lnkd.in/g_nwEATTAnno ScholtenAnto BudiardjoWilliam BehnGINA ELLIOTTJames LeeKen SinclairMarc PetockRoger WoodwardSteve FeyScott K. Hoffmann, MBA 🇺🇸Tracy MarkieMelissa Boutwell, LEED AP OMRick JustisDavid Wilts#c4sbC4SB – Coalition for Smarter Buildings#div2525#smarterstack#SmarterTogether
Watch this week’s lively discussion on Monday Live! About the future vision of Cloud-Native Buildings. This is part of July’s ongoing theme of Disrupting the Building Automation industry.
https://lnkd.in/g4H6PXYU Anno Scholten Anto Budiardjo William Behn GINA ELLIOTT James Lee Ken Sinclair Marc Petock Roger Woodward Steve Fey Scott K. Hoffmann, MBA 🇺🇸 Tracy Markie#c4sb C4SB – Coalition for Smarter Buildings #div2525 #smarterstack #smartertogether

Reviewing Renewing “Real” Relationships Your knowledge of the past and your connections to valuable industry relationships is your superpower. Your ability to mashup your past experiences in the new AI-propelled Era of Enviromation will now define you. Although we are creating many new relationships in the new Era, we need carefully reevaluate, review, renew and retread our existing relationships. Retread – go back over a path of one’s steps. How did we get here? Why are we doing what we are doing? How have those strong relationships that created our past now able to propel us into our future?
This Blast from the Past Paul and I wrote in 2005
Our Newest Old Contributing Editor,
Paul Ehrich, which I met in 2004 in Chicago at AHRExpo.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has developed a new software tool called ctrl-flow with funding from the US Department of Energy. This tool is freely available for online use at https://ctrl-flow.lbl.gov