5 facts that might surprise you about our energy situation in the US…and what you can do about it.


🔥⛽ 78.8 % of total energy generated, and 57% of electricity generated last year in the US came from coal, natural gas, and petroleum.

⚡🚗 1% of the energy used for transportation came from electricity.

☀ 🌊 🍃 13.3% of the energy produced in the US came from renewables like solar, hydro, and wind. (But it’s growing fast)

🔌 Nearly two-thirds of all electricity generated in the US is LOST during transmission.

🏭 🏨 Factories & Buildings consumed 64% of the energy generated in the US last year.

To summarize:
🔥 We are still highly dependent on fossil fuels
⚡ 3 BTUs of electricity are required to replace one BTU of fossil fuel
🍃 Renewables need to grow faster and grid infrastructure needs to keep up
🏢 Buildings use the vast majority of energy in the US
🚗 EVs alone are not going to save the planet

What we can do about it?
If every building reduced its energy consumption by 10%, that would be equivalent to doubling all renewable energy on the grid today.
The EPA estimates that the average commercial building wastes 30% of its energy each year and it’s our job to work together and fix it.

Who’s with me?

Original data source:

