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Review Renew Retread “Real”ationships

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Your knowledge of the past and your connections to valuable industry relationships is your superpower. Your ability to mashup your past experiences in the new AI-propelled Era of Enviromation will define you.

Although we are creating many new relationships in the new Era, we need carefully reevaluate, review, renew and retread our existing relationships. Retread – go back over a path of one’s steps.

How did we get here? Why are we doing what we are doing? How have those strong relationships that created our past now been able to propel us into our future?

Last month I wrote about Navigating the Noise of the New Era

What is all the noise? We are entering the “Anything is Possible ERA.” which I have coined as the “Enviromation Era,”

How do we navigate the unknown? The Never Neverland of what has not been done before with new tools we have never used?

An example of what I am talking about is here.

Read this Post with Our Newest Old Contributing Editor, Paul Ehrich, which I met in 2004 in Chicago at AHRExpo.

I encouraged him to start his new company, which he has been the Founder and President of “Building Intelligence Group for almost 20 years.” Building Intelligence Group started in 2004. Since then, we have been involved with projects across North America focused on energy efficiency, integrated controls, and optimization, as well as participating in research efforts that range from helping to develop plans for Net Zero Energy Buildings to programs for training next-generation building technicians. Clients have included building owners, utilities, Government agencies, and Non-Government Organizations.

Paul took over writing. My control column for Engineer Systems Magazine, and we collaborated on several articles; an example here is from 2005

What Is An Intelligent Building?  Paul Ehrlich, P.E

Over the last 20 years, there has been a lot of discussion and debate about the concept of an “intelligent building.”  Work has gone on in many forums to define and quantify what the term really means. The end result of all of these efforts is that an intelligent building is not just one thing. My definition of intelligent buildings is as follows:

“Use of technology and process to create a building that is safer and more productive for its occupants and more operationally efficient for its owners.”

So please welcome back our past Contributing Editor with an essential message for

Paul Ehrlich Consultant focused on energy efficiency and building to-grid integration.

 I would like your help in trying to get the word out about a new tool that has just been developed by Lawrence Berkeley Labs.  This tool is an online website that is intended to help building system designers develop control sequences.  The initial release of the tool allows designers to input information about a project, and it will output an edited version of the sequences defined in ASHRAE Guideline 36.  Editing the guideline manually is a challenging task that takes from 2 – 6 hours and is easy to do wrong.  Using this tool only takes a few minutes.  The tool is limited in what it does on the initial release – but it will be expanded over time to add more systems and functions.

See attached for information that can be posted.


Paul Ehrlich, PE

All our relationships from the past have grown and embraced new ways this LinkedIn post has been well received. Past Contributing Editor Paul Ehrlich has a message for the industry about a new tool that has just been developed by Lawrence Berkeley Labs

This post adds more about the value of our past knowledge,

Driving Outcomes with Smarter Buildings

The common aspect between all of these is driving outcomes. When it comes to technology, it can either be the anchor that drags down outcomes or the mainsail driving outcomes. Smarter buildings are not just about installing smarter technology. Technology is simply an enabler and a means to drive outcomes. Smarter building outcomes are about solving owner/operator challenges and achieving business, strategic, financial and marketability outcomes.
Today’s owners and operators want solutions to help them maximize their business outcomes. 
For the smarter built environment today, the challenge is not the need for smart technology or solutions, but rather, it is the willingness and preparation to take advantage of them. It is the understanding of the insights and outcomes that reshape buildings to make them smarter. 

Mashing the past with the future needs our understanding to be passed to those that hold our future and continuance in this post.

Key Skills and Knowledge for Working in the Automated Buildings Industry

If you’re considering starting a new career, there’s no better place than the automated buildings industry. It’s one of the best-kept secrets in technology careers today. It helps, when starting or growing any career, to have a good understanding of the practical tools you’ll need, so consider this list of essential skills and knowledge for the building automation industry. Pass along this list to anyone thinking about getting into the industry.

Developing and honing these skills can greatly contribute to success in the building automation industry, as they encompass both technical expertise and the interpersonal skills required to navigate complex projects and meet customer expectations. But just because these skills are important doesn’t mean you need to have mastered each now or even know much about them. It just means you will likely encounter them in the future. If you feel confident in your dedication to learning, you’ll have few barriers to growing a successful career in the building automation industry.

Bing AI Summary

In this post, I want to share why your past knowledge and industry connections are your greatest assets in the AI-driven Era of Enviromation. Enviromation is a term that I coined to describe the fusion of environment and information, where we use AI to create sustainable solutions for our planet. It is the era we live in, where we face unprecedented challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and resource depletion.

You have a unique advantage over others because you can draw from your past experiences and apply them to new challenges. You can also leverage your existing relationships to collaborate, innovate and learn from others in your field. These skills will make you stand out in the Enviromation Era.

But you must also revisit, revise, renew and retread your past and present relationships. Retread means to retrace your steps and see how you got here. Ask yourself: How did my past relationships shape my career? Why am I doing what I am doing now? How can I improve my relationships with my current and potential partners, clients and colleagues?

Doing this allows you to mash up your past and present experiences in new and creative ways. You will be able to adapt to the changing needs of the Enviromation Era and contribute to its success.

Some examples of how AI is being used in the environment are:

  • Monitoring and predicting weather patterns, natural disasters and climate change impacts
  • Optimizing renewable energy sources, smart grids and energy efficiency
  • Detecting and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and waste
  • Enhancing biodiversity conservation, wildlife protection and habitat restoration
  • Improving agriculture, food security and water management

