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Let us all do more in 2024

2023 has been an incredible year; we all have turned our Metamorphosing Magic into the change we wish to see. Good job, team, But we are not done. We have just started.

How can we possibly do more? Become more in numbers physically and virtually. We are building our presence in existing multigenerational thought in a world where it is unnecessary to physically move the pieces on the chessboard of life to change the outcome.

How can we best do that?

Metamorphosing our thoughts by embracing Younger mentors will give us wings, connecting us all to our rapidly digitally transforming lives with connections to yet younger metamorphic mentors.

MENTORING IS NOT ABOUT CREATING A MINI-ME. If you have any notion that people come to mentoring to learn how to be a clone of their mentor, think again. People want to learn from a mentor’s particular knowledge and experience. While a mentee may look up to a mentor as a role model, the mentee doesn’t necessarily want to be just like the mentor.

I am crushed that these young folks do not want to grow up just like me……smile, but it is me who needs the mentoring, a two-way exchange.

One of my goals for is to get all of our industry on the same page. We believe we have come closest to that ever with our free education session for Chicago.

We all are incredibly proud of our 25 years of history of getting our industry into an online library.

Please join our 25-year Celebration in Chicago.

We could not achieved any of this without the support of our sponsors and editors.

If you want to join them and showcase your brick and post directly on this distinguished wall, here’s how.

Who are our Sponsors

We thank them all and applaud all their efforts in supporting our content-focused Community Library.

Who are our Contributing Editors?

Brian CollinsGreg Fitzpatrick - Contributing Editor Automatedbuildings.comPaul Ehrlich - Contributing Editor AutomatedBuildings
Audrey Wang Gosselin US Product Marketing Manager Commercial Building Automation at ABB.Toby Considine Contributing editor at
Lauren ScottAntoSudha Jamthe
James McHaleDavid SiarrinaTherese Sullivan
Brad WhiteKen Sinclair
Scott CochraneJames Carlini Contributing Editor
Bill Lydon

Click on photos to see their bios and contributions.

To all of us doing more in 2024

I am very proud of everyone taking on world health as a mission and a passion.

Like us, Without world health, the state of being free from illness or injury, all is lost. 

Who better than ASHRAE, AHRExpo and us to tackle the ‘climate’ crisis?

As an industry, we control the consumption of buildings and their carbon generation.

We are the technology geeks who have a better chance of solving a 1.3 deg C rise in temperature than the politicians.  

We applaud ASHRAE and support their effort I am a Life member
