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Cloud-Native: A New Way of Doing Everything

The cloud is transforming the BAS industry, enabling new levels of efficiency, data analysis, and automation. Cloud-native solutions are poised to revolutionize how buildings are managed, offering enhanced capabilities and insights for building owners and operators. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing a cloud-first mindset and investing in cloud-native technologies will be critical for staying competitive and future-proofing buildings for the digital age.
cloud-native BAS

Cloud-Native Solutions Transforming the BAS Industry

The building automation system (BAS) industry is rapidly evolving, embracing the cloud as a central component for new products and services. This shift towards cloud-centric operations has sparked a conversation about “cloud-native” solutions—software designed and optimized for cloud environments.

What is Cloud-Native?

Cloud-native is more than just hosting applications in the cloud. It’s a mindset prioritizing scalability, flexibility, and adaptability. Like Amazon revolutionized retail with its cloud-first approach, cloud-native BAS solutions offer unprecedented scalability and the ability to seamlessly adapt to the unique needs of each building and portfolio.

Advantages of Cloud-Native BAS:

  • Unlimited Scalability: Cloud platforms provide the infrastructure to handle vast amounts of data and accommodate growing portfolios.
  • Data Aggregation and Normalization: Cloud-based tools like machine learning and AI can transform unstructured building data into usable, normalized information.
  • Hardware Independence: Cloud-native solutions decouple software from specific hardware, offering greater flexibility and compatibility.
  • Continuous Updates and Improvements: Cloud-based software can be easily updated and enhanced, ensuring users always have access to the latest features and security patches.
  • Accessibility and Remote Management: Cloud-native platforms enable remote access and management of building systems from anywhere, at any time.
  • Portfolio-Wide Insights: Aggregated data from multiple buildings can be analyzed to identify trends, optimize performance, and inform decision-making.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Cybersecurity: As building data moves to the cloud, cybersecurity becomes paramount. Building owners and solution providers must work together to establish robust security measures.
  • Legacy Systems: Integrating older building systems with cloud-native solutions can be complex, requiring careful planning and expertise.
  • Data Ownership and Privacy: Clear agreements regarding data ownership and privacy are essential when working with cloud-based platforms.

The cloud is transforming the BAS industry, enabling new levels of efficiency, data analysis, and automation. Cloud-native solutions are poised to revolutionize how buildings are managed, offering enhanced capabilities and insights for building owners and operators.

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Cloud-native is a new way of designing and deploying software applications that leverage the power and flexibility of the cloud. The Panel of experts discusses the benefits, challenges, and implications of cloud-native for building management systems, such as scalability, security, integration, data organization, and analytics.
