Since 1999 AutomatedBuildings has been an ad-free virtual library for the BAS industry
As an industry, we must work together to simplify our message as we navigate the changing world. People need to know who we are, what we do, and what resources we can offer. By adopting a unified approach, we can streamline our communication, increase our impact, and provide a clearer understanding of the industry’s contributions to society.
We are the industry that provides the physical connection to Building Systems using operational technology, but we need to simplify our messaging.
Our inherent value will become evident if we approach this evolving world as a united community. Our strength lies in our collective unity. Throughout history, we’ve often resembled disparate clans, each driven by self-interest, creating a cacophony of individual voices. But imagine if we harmonized into a powerful chorus that wields the transformative force of collective action, inspiring positive change.