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2024 design criteria for automation solutions, has it evolved?

Automation solutions must be nimbly designed, open, secure, and cloud-native to leverage modern IT architectures and tools. what has changed?
considerations/guidelines for automated building solutions

Automation solutions must be nimbly designed, open, secure, and cloud-native to leverage modern IT architectures and tools.


1. Embrace open standards and protocols: – Adopt open, interoperable standards and protocols that allow seamless integration between different building systems and components, regardless of manufacturer. – This enables a “plug-and-play” approach where devices and software can be easily swapped out or added without proprietary lock-in

2. Leverage cloud-native architectures: – Shift towards cloud-based, distributed architectures that decouple data storage, processing, and applications. – This makes the physical location of computing and data irrelevant, providing flexibility and scalability. – Leverage cloud-native technologies like containers, microservices, and serverless computing to enable this

3. Ensure data accessibility and portability: – Design systems to make building data accessible and portable, not siloed in proprietary formats. – Adopt standard data models and APIs that allow data to be easily discovered, accessed, and integrated across systems. – This enables advanced analytics, AI/ML, and other data-driven applications to leverage building data.

4. Prioritize security and privacy: – Implement robust security measures to protect building systems and data, including encryption, access controls, and threat monitoring. – Ensure compliance with relevant data privacy regulations and standards. – Leverage cloud providers’ security capabilities and best practices to enhance the overall security posture.

5. Adopt a DevOps and continuous improvement mindset: – Embrace agile, iterative development and deployment practices to rapidly innovate and adapt to changing requirements. – Leverage automation, testing, and monitoring tools to streamline the development and operations of building systems. – Continuously optimize and improve the systems based on data-driven insights and user feedback.By designing building automation solutions with these principles in mind, the industry can unlock the benefits of modern IT architectures and tools, enabling greater interoperability, scalability, security, and data-driven decision-making – ultimately paving the way for truly smart, responsive, and efficient buildings.

By designing building automation solutions with these principles in mind, the industry can unlock the benefits of modern IT architectures and tools, enabling greater interoperability, scalability, security, and data-driven decision-making – ultimately paving the way for truly smart, responsive, and efficient buildings.
