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Bridging “The Talent Gap” Panel discussion IBcon

Our Editorial Chair Kerri Sinclair is now part of “The Talent Gap” Panel IBcon

The building automation industry is booming, but finding skilled workers is getting harder. A recent panel discussion at highlighted the challenges and potential solutions..

Several factors contribute to the staffing shortage in building automation:

  • Skills Gap: The industry requires specialized knowledge in areas like HVAC, electrical systems, and software programming. However, there aren’t enough qualified candidates to fill the available positions.
  • Competition: Many companies are vying for the same limited pool of talent, making recruitment even more difficult.
  • Generational Shifts: Younger generations have different expectations from their careers. They seek purpose-driven work and may not be attracted to traditional trades.

Succession Planning: A Critical Strategy

One way to address the skills gap is through proactive succession planning. Companies need to identify key roles and start training replacements well in advance. This ensures a smooth transition of knowledge and prevents disruptions when experienced employees retire or leave the company.

Attracting the Next Generation

To attract younger workers, companies need to adapt their recruitment strategies. Highlighting the positive impact of building automation on energy efficiency and sustainability can resonate with millennials and Gen Z who are passionate about making a difference.

Apprenticeship Programs: Building the Future

Apprenticeship programs offer a structured way to train new talent and provide them with valuable on-the-job experience. By investing in these programs, companies can cultivate the next generation of building automation professionals.

The Way Forward

Despite the challenges, the future of building automation remains bright. The industry is expected to continue growing, and with it, the demand for skilled workers. By addressing the root causes of the staffing shortage and embracing innovative solutions, companies can ensure they have the talent they need to thrive in this dynamic field.

Key Takeaways:

  • The building automation industry faces a significant staffing shortage due to a skills gap, competition, and generational shifts.
  • Succession planning and apprenticeship programs are essential strategies for building a sustainable workforce.
  • Attracting younger workers requires showcasing the purpose-driven nature of building automation.
  • Despite the challenges, the industry’s growth potential remains strong, making it an attractive career path for those with the right skills.

Let’s work together to build a stronger, more resilient building automation industry!

These are good LinkedIn posts on the subject.

Transitioning from IT to the Building Automation Systems (BAS) industry involves acquiring specific knowledge and skills while leveraging your existing IT expertise. Here are some steps to help you prepare and make yourself more desirable to BAS companies:

