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The criteria for a viable solution for smarter buildings and the challenges hindering progress

The criteria for a viable solution for smarter buildings and the challenges hindering progress

Monday Live! June 10, 2024

The discussion focused on the criteria for a viable solution to address the problem of fragmented silos and lack of interoperability in the building automation industry.

Envision smart buildings that are truly intelligent, seamlessly integrated, and responsive to occupants’ needs. These buildings would optimize energy use, predict maintenance issues, and adapt to individual preferences, ultimately transforming how we live and work. However, achieving this vision requires overcoming challenges like data interoperability and standardization.


  1. Standardization is crucial, not just for data definitions but for enabling interoperability across silos over time. Existing standards like BACnet have helped, but new approaches like connection profiles are needed.
  2. Solutions must be open, secure (using zero-trust principles), and cloud-native to leverage modern IT architectures and tools.
  3. There is resistance to change from vested interests. Hence, the solution needs to provide a strong economic incentive for all players to adopt it.
  4. Specifiers and building owners must drive the change by demanding open, interoperable solutions, rather than proprietary systems.
  5. QR codes and other cloud-connected technologies provide examples of how data and systems can be made more accessible and interoperable.


  • Business interests that are contrary to the vision of open and standardized solutions
  • Fear of commoditization
  • The high cost of participating in creating an open and standardized solution


The evolution of QR codes from a novel tech curiosity to an essential tool, This transition to image-based interaction reflects a broader shift in user experience design, favoring convenience and efficiency. As these codes weave themselves into the infrastructure of various services, they not only change how we engage with technology but also raise interesting questions about ownership and control in the digital space.

This can help identify opportunities to apply similar principles of connectivity and interoperability to the building automation domain. In essence, the QR code example demonstrates how emerging, standardized technologies can enable new levels of accessibility and interoperability, which the building automation industry can aspire to achieve through a similar approach of leveraging cloud-native, data-driven solutions.


TLDR Clips of the week

Rick Justis discusses CNCF, progress with Cloud- Native and how data location is irrelevant.

Power of QR codes

Anto provides a summary
